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Rowan and Alders received a phone call from a orphanage. The Crystal Pines Orphanage it's where the elitist of London adopt children.

"Hi is this The Kelly residence" she asked. Alders answered the phone he had to sound feminine. "Yes ma'am who am I speaking with" Alders asked. "My apologies I am Estelle Bates from the Crystal Pines orphanage I'm calling about a possible pair of siblings that would be perfect for you and your husband is Rowan Kelly present" Estelle said.

Rowan was close by that Alders retrieved him. "Who is it" Rowan asked. "Estelle from Crystal Pines Orphanage she says she has a pair of siblings who are perfect" Alders said. Rowan's eyes went wide.

"Hello this is Rowan Kelly" Rowan said. "Good day I am Estelle from Crystal Pines I see here you applied to adopt children is this correct" Estelle asked. "Yes ma'am" Rowan said. Rowan looked at Alders with a promising smile.

"I have a set of siblings a new born boy and a one year old girl" Estelle said. "When can we meet them" Rowan asked. "You and your wife are more than happy to meet them this afternoon...one more thing, the one year old girl is a negro" Estelle said.

Rowan chuckled, "that's great me and my wife will be down there this afternoon, I don't have a problem with one of my children being a negro my mother is a negro" Rowan said. Estelle fell from her chair, "Hello...ma'am" Rowan said. "That is perfect I'll see you this afternoon" Estelle said.

Hanging up the phone Estelle went to check on the siblings. Caroline made grabby hands toward Estelle. "You're going to a new home today you and your brother Carol" Estelle said.

"Brother" Caroline said. "You and Vic are going to a new happy home" Estelle said. "Brother" Caroline said. The one year old pointed to her sleeping baby brother. "Shh we don't want to wake Vic" Estelle said. Estelle sat on the rocker with Caroline. "You and Vic are going to be just fine" Estelle said.

Rowan and Alders got ready to go meet their children. Alders was a nervous wreck. "Why can't you be the wife" Alders asked. While applying a shade of lipstick. "I'm more masculine than you my love" Rowan said. Kissing his done up lips Alders gasped checking the mirror. "You messed up my lips now I need to redo them" Alders said.

Alders joined Rowan in the car after he fixed his lips. "You're a gorgeous woman" Rowan teased. "Shut up now Drive we're going to be late....thank you" Alders said. Pressing a kiss to Rowan's cheek staining it with red lipstick. "Karmas a pretty bitch" Alders said.

A hour later Rowan pulled into the Orphanage parkway. Alders nerves grew higher and higher. "Let's go change our children's lives" Rowan said. Alders knew Rowan was a confident man but on the inside the American was just as nervous.

The Crystal Pines orphanage was a decent building kept up on the outside by landscapers. On the inside the building looked fairly new and had a home feel.

Estelle ushered the two towards her office. A nurse who cares for the children brought in Caroline and Victor. A little negro girl with hair that was not done and a dress that looked to be ripped in some places. The little girl didn't even have shoes on.

As for the little infant wrapped in a little blanket. The blanket was not warm it looked to be a sheet to warm his tiny body.

"Where did they come from, why do they look like this" Rowan asked. "These children get dropped off here unexpectedly from terrible homes" Estelle said.

Caroline looked over at the sleeping Victor. "Brother" She said. "Is that your baby brother" Alders asked. Caroline was hesitant to look at him. "Caroline this is your new family" Estelle said.

The one year old looked back from Rowan and Alders. "Silly" Caroline said. Pointing towards Alders direction. "I look silly huh..." Alders said. Gently tickling the child's sides Alders heard his daughters laugh. It almost made the man tear up.

A few of the nurses were gathering Caroline and Victors things for the couple.

Rowan couldn't help but smile at his husbands interaction with their daughter. "Would you like to hold your son Mr. Kelly" Estelle asked. Rowan nodded eagerly he felt the tiny body of the infant enter his hold.

The American instantly turned to mush as he saw his son in his arms. Rowan's dream of becoming a father had finally come true. His novel was published for the public a few days ago. Book tours were soon to begin. He couldn't leave Alders alone with two children one being a infant.

Rowan debated to call his mother or Meredith. He knew both would love to help but Meredith was taking care of her own two kids. Henry and Anders.

There was only one person who could handle this job. Mrs. Georgia Kelly.

Leaving the orphanage Alders was concerned about Caroline's attire. "My god please tell me you know how to do our daughters hair" Alders asked.

Rowan grew quiet as he drove him. "You don't know how to do that simple task" Alders asked. "I do only vaguely" Rowan said. "Don't lie about this" Alders said. "You probably don't know how to do that simple task either" Rowan said. Alders went quiet. "We need your mums help don't we" Alders asked. "Definitely" Rowan said.

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