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Anders arrived back at his estate in London. He sat in silence in his car, a Rolls Royce Twenty. The words his twin brother shot at him made him think. This must've been the pain Alders felt when he said those nasty things growing up.

He looked out the window, he had to be a husband for Meredith. He exited his car and went inside.

Entering the home it sounded like Meredith was speaking to someone. A woman, a older woman.

Anders entered the common room. His mother was seated next to Meredith. The young Meredith looked terrified of Lady Lennon. She could read someone like a book.

Lady Lennon followed Meredith's eyes. She turned around, her son was standing in the archway.

"Anders, why leave your with child wife all alone" Lady Lennon said. "My apologies mum" Anders said. "Where did you go this afternoon that you were too busy to leave your glowing wife unattended" She said.

Anders glanced at Meredith, he gulped. No way in hell was he going to tell his own mother that he saw Alders.

"Spit it out Andy"

"I was with Johnny and Clive at a pub in the village, it wasn't very wise of me to leave my wife alone, my dearest apologies Meredith" Anders said.

Lady Lennon, nodded she squeezed Meredith's hand before standing. She straightened out her dress. She passed her son, she noticed a invitation with Alders name on it.

"Inviting scum to your baby shower...how filthy"

Alders watched from the doorway of Rowan's study as he worked. The boy found Rowan's concentration attractive. The way his brows furrowed together as he typed out a page of his grand novel.

Alders closed the door to his study, to let the American work. Meanwhile he found refuge in the reading room, there he began working on his baby shower gift for Meredith.

Alders knew how to crochet, he picked it up when he was in Saint Evelyn's. A few of the patients who were actually sane had a crochet group. Some of the female nurses were apart of the group as well.

Alders decided to crochet baby blanket. He didn't know the gender. So he made the blanket yellow, he knew Meredith would love the blanket. He's made things for her before.

Alders was working on the blanket all afternoon that he didn't notice Rowan was watching him work. He looked up at the American, he saw a smile of admiration.

"That's what you have been up to all day" Rowan said. Alders nodded. The American kissed his head, ruffling his hair. Alders set the blanket on the chair. His eyes were droopy from paying attention to detail.

"Come watch the sunset with me" Rowan said. Alders groaned, with a yawn. "Cmon you can snuggle up with me while we watch it" Rowan said.

The American picked up the tired Brit and took him down to his beachfront. He sat down on a chair, Alders eyes were still drooping. "You look so pretty when you're trying not to fall asleep" Rowan said. "No I don't, blah" Alders said.

Rowan chuckled, he knew Alders wasn't one to stay up when he's tired. He tends to retire early. Alders rested his tired head on Rowan's shoulder. The American kept a hand in Alders hair slowly massaging his head.

Rowan watched as the sun was setting slowly. His gardener had done up a small fire for the two.

Alders was already asleep in Rowan's lap before the sun could even set. Rowan didn't complain, he loved seeing Alders sleeping peacefully. The sounds of the waves nearby helped the boy drift off into his sleep.

The sun set beautifully, the fire was still burning that the gardener had made. Rowan looked up he was under the stars. A clear view of the stars.

Growing up in New York, you could never see the stars. Unless you're living in the countryside. That's what Georgia did. She insisted that her boy should be able to have a view of the stars every night, without smog in the way.

Years later, now that Rowan has a name for himself. He has the perfect view of the stars at night. He also has his own star, whom he loves to the stars and back.

"My little star, so shiny and bright I love you so much Alders" Rowan whispered. Kissing his forehead carefully not to wake him up.

"You love me...you sappy fuck" Alders mumbled. Rowan chuckled. "I do love you sleepyhead" Rowan said.

Alders (boyxman)Where stories live. Discover now