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WordSmith Literature was the publishing company that adored Rowan's work. For years he pitched multiple novels. Rowan had faith in this upcoming novel. It hasn't even been written yet, but Rowan had an idea.

Horace Daniels was the director of Wordsmith Literature, he's been director for years ever since Rowan began to publish with them. "Mr. Daniels will see you now, Mr. Kelly" Rowan stood up from his chair, he took a deep breath before entering Daniels office. "Mr. Kelly, what a delight to see you again" Mr. Daniels said. Rowan sat down on a chair in front of Horace's desk. "Rumor has it that you have a novel in the works" Mr. Daniels said. Rowan nodded. "That's why I am here" Rowan said. "What ideas do you have in that brilliant mind of yours" Mr. Daniels asked.

"It's a love story" Rowan said. "Aren't all Kelly novels love stories" Mr. Daniels asked. Rowan thought about Alders, how he made him feel loved, how he showed so much bravery just to be himself. "It's a same sex love story" Rowan said. Rowan looked at Mr. Daniels, the once chatty director was silent. "It's about a boy who was never shown what love was, he meets a lover who shows him what it's like to be loved by someone who truly cares for him, Truthfully it's a story about my life, my own sexuality, most of all it's about the boy that I'm in love with and our own love story, it's my coming out story" Rowan said.

Mr. Daniels sat silent in his chair for a few minutes, making Rowan feel uneasy. "Bring your boy to lunch tomorrow, I want to meet him" Mr. Daniels said. Rowan didn't know if that was a good idea or not, regarding what happened last time. "We can have lunch at the hilltop" Mr. Daniels said. "Come over tomorrow to my place you can meet him then, good day Mr. Daniels" Rowan said. Rowan left Horaces office soon after, he could finally breathe when he got back into the car. "What did I get myself into" Rowan said. Starting up the car, he then drove off into the afternoon day.

Arriving home, Rowan heard Alders and Georgia laughing on the sofa. All around them were picture books. Georgia looked up at her son, "Hello Rowan, I was just showing Alders here baby pictures" Georgia said. "How did you find those" Rowan asked. "Your grandmother had them stashed away in a shoe box" Georgia said. "You look adorable Rowan" Alders said.

Rowan sat down next to Alders, he watched him look at pictures for hours. "You were a cute baby" Alders said. Rowan kissed Alders cheek causing the boy to blush. "Thank you, I bet you were a even cuter baby than me" Rowan said.

Rowan got up to put his coat away, Alders followed him. Alders noticed that Rowan was keeping something from him. He was tense. "Rowan, what are you keeping from me" Alders said. Rowan wanted to tell him about the novel. But he didn't know how to tell him.

Rowan went upstairs to their shared room. Alders joined him not long after. "Why are you acting like this" Alders asked. Rowan stood in front of him. "My editor wants to meet you for lunch tomorrow at the guest home" Rowan said.

Alders looked at him, his brows furrowed. "Why me, what's so important about me that he wants to meet me" Alders asked. Rowan listened to his question. "It's about my newest novel" Rowan said.

Alders sat on the bed with Dorothy in this arms. Rowan stood in front of him, the older man watched as the boy sat in silence. "What's the novel about" Alders asked. While he pet Dorothy's soft coat.

"It's about you" Rowan said.

Those three words hit the boys soul, all together he stopped petting Dorothy, his eyes were wide with shock. How could someone write about him, he had nothing interesting about him Alders thought.

"You wrote your next novel about me? Why" Alders asked. Alders gaze dodged Rowan's he felt embarrassed about someone ever reading a novel about the Alders Lennon. A boy who came from a mental institution for being homosexual. He got up, frantically pacing the room with Dorothy in hand. Every now and then he would look at Rowan to see his lips move but nothing was heard.

He felt hands on his arms stopping him from pacing. It brought back the horrific days where he was left in the dark alone with his thoughts. "Alders".

Alders looked up at Rowan who was next to him. He took his hand, Alders felt Rowan's hand squeeze his gently. "I'm sorry that I scared you" Alders said. The man remembered the fear that was in Alders eyes, something shook him to the core. "It was awful in that place Rowan" Alders said.

"What was that place you went to" Rowan asked. Alders sighed he didn't want to recall all the bad things that happened in his life. "In another life I'll tell" Alders said. Rowan kissed Alders cheeks, causing him to scrunch his nose. "If you still would like to accompany me to my guest house you're more than welcome" Rowan said. "Oh really" Alders teased. Alders took Rowan in for a kiss. "I'll be the beautiful woman sitting in the corner smoking a cigarette" Alders said. "I'll be the handsome man admiring the beautiful woman" Rowan said. "You make me blush" Alders said. "I enjoy making you blush darling" Rowan said.

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