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Rowan began to notice Alders wasn't eating for a few months. Every night he'd find chewed up food sitting in the garbage bin in the bathrooms.

Alders cries muffled cries were heard coming from the connected bathroom. Each night Rowan would comfort him. But Alders wouldn't believe him.

Standing in the kitchen, he saw Alders spit up the chicken into the garbage.

"Alders" he said.

He noticed Alders was shaking, trembling. The plate in his hand looked like it was about to fall. Alders placed it in the sink.

"I'm ok, really I am" Alders said. His voice shook as he cried. Rowan held him as he cried into his shoulder.

The boys legs began to give out as he was held by Rowan. So they sat on the kitchen floor. The American stayed with him the entire time. Caressing his head, kissing his cheeks, forehead, temple. Whispering words of admiration. Telling him how much he loved him.

"You don't need to stay with me" Alders said. His voice was hoarse from crying. Rowan only kissing his temple. "I want to stay with you" Rowan said. "You don't think I'm disgusting by the way I look" Alders asked. Rowan furrowed his brows. "Why would I think that" He said.

Alders developed his ED while he was sent away to Saint Evelyn's. He did this out of anger for being sent away. Everyday food would be sent to Alders room. He'd eat little to none. He'd drink the water that was provided. That was it.

His psychiatrist recommended a feeding tube be put in to improve his eating habits. Alders didn't have a choice. Since at the time he was underage. So one afternoon, little Alders had a feeding tube put into him.

Knowing that Alders had a feeding tube inserted in him at a young age, made Rowan feel more sorrowful.

"I don't want you to pity me, I don't have the tube anymore...I got it removed when I was older" Alders said. Rowan saw the tears threatening to spill once again.

Alders wanted physical touch so bad, Rowan's hand was close to his. The boy reached for it, their fingers interlocked. The breath that Alders held was released.

Rowan kissed the top of Alders hand. "Just know that I'll never leave you and I'm not going anywhere...I'm here for the long haul" Rowan said. The American watched Alders closely. Alders held his hand tighter, almost as if Rowan would leave him.

Rowan heard Alders stomach growling. The boys eyes turned glossy, Alders hated to eat. The American felt his hands shake. "What can I get you" Rowan asked. Alders couldn't get the thought of food to enter is mind. "I don't think I can eat" Alders said.

Rowan only nodded, he stood up, Alders was still sat on the sofa. "We're doing this together...cmon" Rowan said. "Doing what together" Alders asked. By this time the boy was following him to the kitchen.

Alders stopped in the doorway to the kitchen. "Have a seat" Rowan said. The American turned around with a plate of safe foods that Alders could stomach down.

"Where's your plate" Alders asked. "I've already eaten, I don't want you to get nauseous again" Rowan said. Alders kissed Rowan's cheek. "Now what" Alders asked. He looked at the plate. Georgias southern dishes were present, Alders prepared to pick up his fork.

"It's ok if you can't handle it now, take your time" Rowan said. Alders shook his head no. He knew Georgia made this food. "My mother won't be mad if you can't eat it now" Rowan said. "But what If she does find out" Alders said. Rowan held Alders face gently. "I promise you she's not going to be mad about it" Rowan said.

Alders looked back down at the food, made by Georgia. Rowan's words ran through his head. "She won't be mad" Alders whispered. His shaky hand that held the fork scooped up the food. Bringing the food to his mouth he took his first bite. Tears began to fall. The different textures tortured him.

"I'm so proud of you..."

Alders continued chewing. Rowan's words were still in his head. Swallowing, the feeling of the food going down to his stomach made the boy shiver. He then reached for the glass of water. The American watched him take a sip.

"Would you like to hear a story while you eat" Rowan asked. Alders nodded, Rowan noticed his hands were shaking. The courage to eat again was slowly building up.

Rowan began to make up a story on the spot. It made Alders smile. He loved hearing stories that Rowan made up. Some of them were about Alders being a prince, while others were about his childhood growing up in America.

"Will you ever take me to America" Alders asked. It was Rowan's dream to bring Alders to America. "Please...I want to see where you grew up" Alders said. Rowan knew Georgia would be thrilled to have Alders and Rowan visit.

"If I say yes will you continue eating" Rowan said. Alders nodded eagerly. Causing Rowan to chuckle, ruffling Alders hair. Dorothy strutted up towards the two at the table. She jumped on Rowan's lap. Alders giggled, "she likes you more and more" Alders said. Rowan pet her head, Dorothy began to purr.

"Did you ever want kids" Alders asked. Rowan smiled softly as he pet Dorothy. He imagined raising a child with Alders. "I'm asking because Dorothy is practically my child and you're great with kids already" Alders said. Causing Rowan to laugh, kissing Alders hand.

Alders face dropped, Rowan tilted his head up. "I wasn't laughing at you *kissing Alders* I've wanted kids as well" Rowan said. Alders kissed him back. "You're practically a father already to Dorothy" Alders said.

Alders eyes were innocent yet, filled with the naughtiness of a man who was in love. Rowan leaned to Alders ear. "What does that make you" Rowan said. "Her mother of course" Alders said. Rowan pulled him onto his lap. "What's got you so obsessed about having kids all of a sudden darling" Rowan asked.

"Meredith is pregnant" Alders said. "You're going to be a uncle, that's great" Rowan said. "Yes, but I don't know if Anders will let me near his kid for being me" Alders said. "You've got Meredith on your side, besides what's wrong with being you, I love you" Rowan said. "He probably doesn't want me to come around due to being gay" Alders said.

Rowan gasped dramatically, making Alders hold back his laughter. "That's news to my ears, I didn't know you Mr. Lennon were a homosexual" Rowan teased. Alders rolled his eyes, he loved when Rowan would tease him.

"If we did go see the baby when it's born, will you go with me" Alders said. Rowan kissed him, holding onto his hips. "Of course I will darling" Rowan said.

Alders (boyxman)Where stories live. Discover now