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Langston watched Rowan and Alders leave the venue. Jane smirked, "he's in love" she said. Langston took a sip of his drink, "indeed he is" he said.

Outside the accepting world of being an elite author, came a challenge for the elitist. Many people in London weren't very fond of the idea that an elitist author is into men. In fact he's only ever told the people in his closed circle. Jane, Langston, Billie, he'd never tell Francis. That man makes everything so dramatic.

Alders felt Rowan's hand tense up as they walked together. He looked towards him, he saw a worried look on the man's face. "What is it" Alders asked. Looking down the way, Alders saw them. A group of men coming towards them in a unwelcoming way. "Rowan, tell me what's going on" Alders said.

Rowan was quiet, but Alders could still see his tense body language. "Did they hurt you previously" Alders asked. Alders heard the men laugh and mock. "Two fags out on the town" "Go home Fags" "You shouldn't be out here Fairies". Alders was no stranger to the insults that were being aimed towards them. All his life he's heard mean things from his mum and brother. But this wasn't about him, it was about Rowan.

Alders looked up at Rowan, his eyes were glossy, hands were balled up into fists. "Rowan do not go over there" Alders said. Rowan looked down at Alders, the older man met his eyes. Alders then took Rowans balled up hands in his. "Let's go, it's not worth adding more fuel to their homophobic fire" Alders said. Rowan nodded slightly, coming from past experiences Rowan would've beat their homophobic asses. He didn't bother to tell Alders that information.

Rowan and Alders walked back to his home, "Do you think your parents are home" Alders asked. Approaching the door, Rowan didn't see Richards car in the drive way. "I'd say they're still out, so it's just us" Rowan said. Alders took the keys from Rowan, with a swift move he unlocked the door. The boy pulled Rowan inside the house, Rowan shut the door behind him. The older sat on the sofa, Alders cuddled up next to him. He played with Rowan's fingers occasionally kissing the pads softly, Rowan watched as he did. Using his other hand Rowan lifted Alders head to meet for a kiss.

But it was soon cut off quick by Georgia and Richard entering the house.

"Rowan Alders come to the kitchen for a moment" Richard shouted.

Alders and Rowan walked down the stairs. "Is everything ok" Alders asked.

Georgia turned around, Alders saw the cat in her hands. His eyes lit up. She was home. Dorothy was finally home.

"Surprise" Georgia said. Holding Dorothy, Alders prized cat. Alders kissed the top of Dorothy's head multiple times. "Oh my goodness, how did you find her" Alders asked.

A few days earlier

Georgia was sitting at the table drinking coffee. She was listening to her thoughts. Richard on the other hand was reading the morning paper.

"Richie" Georgia said.

Richard didn't say a word as he read the article. Every time Georgia said Richie instead of Richard it was never good.

"Yes Darling" Richard said.

Georgia rubbed his shoulders slowly. "Would you help me with something" Georgia said. "What is it" Richard asked.

"Help me get back Alders cat" Georgia said. Richard was silent for a moment. "Why are you so interested in this cat all of a sudden" He asked.

"Alders grandmother gave him this cat for his birthday it's special Richie"

"Now now there are plenty of cats at the shelter, get him one there" Richard said.

"What would your mother say if she found out you wouldn't help her grandson" Georgia said. "Not this again Georgia"

"If I'm mistaken your mother has seven cats in that small house of hers, would it kill you to help your sons lover get his cat back" Georgia said.

Richard put down the newspaper. "Alright Georgia alright let's go get this cat back" Richard said. "You're to easy" Georgia said. Kissing her husbands lips. "It's a blessing and a curse I'd say" Richard said.

Georgia came back with a coat for Richard. "But wait we can't go to there house unannounced" Richard said. Georgia didn't say a word, she made a deal with Meredith.

"Last night I had Rowan sign a few of his books, I may have given those books to Meredith, Alders brothers fiancé, she promised me to give me the cat for signed copies of our sons books" Georgia said.

Richard smirked at his wife's words. He loved how her brain worked sometimes. "That's brilliant my love, brilliant" Richard said.

It was a short drive to the Lennons home from Rowan's house. "Are you sure this is their home" Richard asked. "2693 Applewood Lane, this is Applewood lane" Georgia said. Richard parked the car on the side of the street.

Georgia got out, Richard followed behind her. Georgia felt hesitant a few feet from the door. "What if this goes sour, I'm a black women at a white couples home" Georgia said. "Nothings going to go sour, no one dares to fuck with the Kelly's" Richard said.

Richard knocked on the door, Georgia held onto his hand. Meredith answered the door a few minutes later. "I've come with signed books, where's the cat" Georgia said.

Meredith handed Dorothy over to Richard. Georgia was satisfied enough to give her the signed books.

Georgia and Richard quickly walked back to the car. "If we don't leave now, Anders may come out with a gun" Georgia said. Richard looked at Georgia like she was crazy. "I've seen it happen, my Great Uncle Doug got shot over something small...drive" Georgia said.

Richard didn't need to be told twice. Georgia sat in her seat with a cuddly cat, Dorothy. "We did the right thing" Georgia said. Richard took Georgias hand in his, kissing the back. "Yes we did, have I ever told you we make a good team" Richard teased. "Eyes on the road big guy" Georgia said. Richard smiled, he loved Georgia to bits.

"Thank you thank you Ms. Georgia and Richard for going out of your way to get her" Alders said. Georgia smiled as she watched Alders with Dorothy. "It wasn't a problem baby, was it Richie" Georgia said.

Turning to look at Richard, he kissed her temple. "No darling, I quite like cats" Richard said. Rowan had a completely different view on his father with his grandmothers cats. Richard almost killed three when he was young.

"It's late, how about we all get to bed" Georgia said. Alders yawned, he couldn't rub his eye due to Dorothy being in his arms. "I'd say we're pretty tired ourselves, good night mother and father" Rowan said.

Rowan, Alders and Dorothy retired to their shared room. Alders let Dorothy roam around the room. She immediately went to the bed. "I think she's tired from her trip here" Rowan said. Alders nodded again, yawning as he changed his clothes. Rowan was already in bed, he looked at his tired boy.

Alders slowly made his way towards the bed. "If I fall before reaching the bed will you catch me" Alders asked. Rowan smiled as he watched his sleepy boy walk. "Of course I will" Rowan said.

Rowan held his arm out for Alders to grab onto. He pulled him towards the bed. Alders got in, cuddling up to the older man. "Thank you" Alders said. Rowan kissed his head, "Goodnight sleepy boy" Rowan said. "I'm a manly man" Alders said. "I'm sure you are, my manly man now it's time for you to shut those pretty eyes and dream a little dream until morning comes you can tell me all about it tomorrow" Rowan said.

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