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The next morning Rowan had a follow up meeting with his editor Horace Daniels.

Rowan sat in front of Horace's desk, he waited for a reaction from him. "Where's the rest" Horace asked. "I'm still working on it" Rowan said. Horace laughed, shaking his head. "I've known you for a while, normally you would be finished by now" Horace said.

"I've had some life experiences that I had to take care of" Rowan said. "Life experiences...what kind" Horace asked. "None to share with you I know how gossipy you get...such a queen" Rowan said. "I'm no queen...I'm the queen you're more a princess" Horace said.

"What's the difference between a queen and a princess" Rowan asked. "A queen knows there a queen, there out and proud of who they are...a princess is still looking from the inside out they're scared to be who they are around who they love" Horace said.

Rowan thought about it for a moment, he was a bit timid being seen in public with Alders. He realized that he could be free in the public eye if he came out. As of lately on a few people know. One being Horace of course.

"How'd I come out to the public eye" Rowan asked. "Make a statement and have your publicist put it in the news" Horace said. "What if people don't like who I really am" Rowan asked. "Trust me kiddo, they'll still love ya" Horace said.

The next morning Rowan's statement was released to the public.

'Author Rowan Kelly comes out as Homosexual'

Mr. Kelly has been in a private relationship with a man, who remains in mystery.

Who is this mystery man who's in a relationship with the infamous author.

Rowan Kelly's books have skyrocketed in sales since his revealing secret.

"What are they saying I can't look" Alders said. Rowan read the paper that came out the day after. Alders was nervous about whether or not the public would accept the American.

"Well for one thing my book sales have skyrocketed...they want to know who my mystery man is" Rowan said. Alders smirked, he slowly walked over to Rowan who had the newspaper in front of him. "I guess I'm a mystery man now" Alders teased. Snatching the paper from him.

The paper flew over his head, Rowan laid eyes on him. He watched as Alders sat on his thighs facing him, hooking his hands behind his neck. "You're not just a mystery man, you're my mystery man" Rowan said.

Alders leaned in to kiss the American, but they were interrupted by knocking. Rowan softly tapped Alders ass as he got up. "Don't keep Horace waiting" Alders said.

Rowan answered the door, it wasn't Horace. Instead it was Anders Lennon. Alders went pale, even Dorothy ran off.

"Why are you here" Alders asked.

Anders was let inside by Rowan, he watched him carefully. "Since I'm going to be a father soon...I want you to be in my kids life" Anders said. "Where's this coming from, did Meredith tell you to say this" Alders said.

Anders sighed, causing Alders to laugh. "You didn't even think of this yourself you had to have you're own wife help you...that's pathetic" Alders spat. Anders flinched moving back slightly. "I just came here to say I'm sorry I've ever said growing up that hurt you" Anders said.

"Now you're sorry, the day you told me I wasn't your brother anymore tore me apart for days I cried my eyes out, now you're fucking sorry" Alders said.

"Alders calm down, alright" Rowan said. Coming between the two of them. "Don't tell me to calm down, I am calm" Alders said. Rowan pulled Alders away, having him take a seat. "You don't have to forgive me now, but when you do here's the invitation to Meredith's baby shower" Anders said.

Before leaving Anders set the invitation on the vanity next to the front door. Alders didn't acknowledge him leaving. Rowan however showed him out, thus being his house.

Alders sat quiet in the chair, he hasn't had a outburst like that since Saint Evelyn's. It made him feel bad about himself. He promised himself no more outbursts. This happened and it changed everything.

"Aldi" Rowan said.

Alders looked up at him, his lip wobbled. "I messed up" Alders said. His voice shook while he spoke. Rowan picked him up, carrying him to bed. The boy soaked his shoulder with tears. He apologized multiple times for crying on his shoulder. Rowan didn't find it a problem.

"Do you think I'm a bad person for yelling at my brother" Alders asked.

Rowan kissed Alders cheeks, he cuddled him close. "You stood up for yourself after years of torments from your brother I'm so proud of you" Rowan said. "I still haven't stood up to my own mum for disowning me" Alders said. "That time will come" Rowan said.

Alders (boyxman)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon