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Alders was lead into a fancy restaurant by Rowan. Directors, Actors, Authors, were all paying customers to this place. Alders eyes went wide when he saw Billie Dove. "Rowan it's so good to see you again, this must be Alders" Billie said. Alders was starstruck to say the least, He could only nod. "He's a big fan of your work" Rowan said. Billie kissed Alders cheek, the boy placed his hand where the kiss had been placed. "I'm never washing my face again" Alders said. Watching Billie walk over to her table full of her friends. "Come along Romeo" Rowan said.

Rowan led Alders to a table in the middle of the restaurant. "What a delight it is to see all of you tonight" Rowan said. Around the table sat DW Griffin a well known director. Next to him sat actress Jane Winton. Next to her sat poet Langston Hughes.

Looking around the room, Alders noticed Zelda and F.Scott Fitzgerald. "I see the Fitzgeralds are here" Langston said. Rowan looked over his shoulder, Fitzgerald was being adorned by his colleagues.

"I heard something extraordinary is being written" Jane said. "Where did you hear this" Rowan asked. "Zelda of course she, is gossiping about it to everyone who asks" Jane said.

"I don't know how he could top This Side of Paradise, he'd need a miracle to do that" Langston said.

The group watched Zelda and Francis make their way over to their table. "Hello my fellow colleagues" Francis said. Standing next to Langston Hughes. Zelda whispered something into Francis's ear before slipping away.

"I've been terribly busy lately with this new novel I'm writing" Francis said. "What might this new novel be called" Rowan asked. "That is a secret only I know about" Francis said. What other secrets was he hiding from society.

Francis's eyes met Alders, "who might you be, I don't believe we've met" Francis said. "I'm Alders Lennon, a friend of Rowan's" Alders said. "My, my you two look more than friends" Francis said.

Alders felt Rowan's hand squeeze his hand gently from under the table. The food was beginning to be brought out. "Let's continue this conversation another time" Francis said. "Indeed" Rowan said.

Rowan took a sip of his drink once he was clear of Francis. Rowan and Francis haven't always seen eye to eye with each other. Past years Francis sold the most copies of his books. Other years Rowan sold the most.

"It's always been a competition between us, Francis and I" Rowan whispered.

The meal was served and it was delicious according to Alders. Most nights he'd rarely eat anything to avoid Anders abusive gaze.

Tonight was different, his stomach actually felt full with delicious food. The food wasn't the only thing that was delicious, the conversations that were held at the table were so inviting. Alders couldn't help but listen.

The bands music filled the room as the gossip continued throughout the evening. "Care to dance with me" Alders asked. Rowan looked Alders way, holding out his hand.

Rowan and Alders danced together being led by the love in their hearts. Alders rested his head on Rowan's shoulder while they slow danced. "Thank you for tonight" Alders said. "I like making people I love happy" Rowan said.

"You make me feel more than happy, you made me feel loved these past few days than anyone ever has in my life" Alders said. Rowan pressed a kiss to Alders lips, slowly turning the kiss into a heated one.

Alders pulled away, Rowan's hands were cupping his gorgeous face. "Take me home Rowie" Alders said.

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