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Ronnie soon approached the home of Rowan's parents, Georgia and Richard. "We're here sir," Ronnie said. Rowan rubbed his tired eyes, and a satisfied smile was on his lips. By his side, Alders was still asleep. "Time to wake up my love," Rowan said. Alders groaned tiredly he wanted to sleep more and hold Rowan's torso for a few more minutes. "Let me sleep" Alders groaned. Rowan only chuckled, shaking Alders gently. "We are here, you can sleep when we get inside," Rowan said. "Pinkie promise," Alders said. Alders actually held out his pinkie finger, the American chuckled once again, wrapping his pinkie finger around the boys. Alders then opened his eyes, he sat up with a groan escaping his tired lips.

While Ronnie was working on the bags, Alders and Rowan went up to the house. Rowan knew Richard would be up smoking a cigarette and drinking his morning tea. While Georgia would be asleep. Knocking on the door a very happy Georgia answered the door. Which surprised the author, to say the least. "My babies are here, please come in," Georgia said. Georgia wore a nightgown, robe, and silk bonnet. She looked well-rested, "Have you been awake all evening Mother?" Rowan asked. "Of course I have, I was cooking for you two, isn't that right Richie" Georgia said. Rowan looked past his mother, his father was sitting in the kitchen with a cigarette in one hand and the paper in the other. "She's telling the truth," Richard said. Richard took a hit of his cigarette before putting it out. "She also made your childhood bedroom look clean, by the way so many stiff socks were found" Richard teased. Rowan's face turned a beet red. He knew his father was pulling his leg.

Ronnie brought in all the bags, he took them to Rowan's childhood room. Dorothy's carrier caught Georgia's attention right away. She didn't hesitate to get the cat out of the carrier. "Still the prettiest cat I ever did see," Georgia said. Dorothy purred in Georgia's arms, Dorothy was the definition of a people cat. "Richie still hasn't gotten me a cat, it's barbaric," Georgia said. "Maybe a certain son of ours could get you one," Richard said.

"Richie don't give him a hard time he just got here," Georgia said. Alders then let out a yawn. "My word, let's get this boy to bed," Georgia said. Alders didn't hesitate to follow Georgia up the stairs.

Rowan stayed downstairs for a moment. His father was lighting up another cigarette. "How do you stand to smoke those" Rowan asked. "I could ask you the same question as to what made you quit smoking them," Richard said.

Richard took a swing of the cigarette, before blowing out smoke. "It wasn't easy, but I did it," Rowan said. Richard smirked, "I've been smoking these boys since I was a lad, still healthy as a bull," Richard said. He then blew smoke in his son's face. "Welcome home my boy," He said. Putting out the cigarette in the ashtray.

Richard remained downstairs, while Rowan went upstairs. Georgia was helping Alders to bed. "Where's Rowan" Alders asked. "I'm here my love," Rowan said. Georgia looked at his son, she saw him care so much for Alders.

Georgia left the room closing the door behind her. Knowing her son kept his promise warmed her heart.

"Rowan, come to bed," Alders said. Rowan chuckled, removing his clothes. He put on warmer garments due to the cold atmosphere.

Alders pulled him in close, he wanted to hold his American love all day. Dorothy was on the foot of the bed, she was asleep. Before Georgia left the room she set up a space for Dorothy to sleep on next to Rowan's bed.

"I didn't get to hold you all day," Alders said. Rowan kissed his head, hearing his love groan tiredly. "Feel free to hold me all night long if you must," Rowan said. Alders looked up at Rowan, looking at the American's lips. Alders closed the gap between them as their lips met. "I didn't get a proper kiss from you all day," Alders said. Rowan squeezed Alders waist gently, kissing him back. 

"I'm taking you out tomorrow," Rowan said. "Why are we always going out, why can't we stay in bed," Alders asked. "Because I want my friends to see how gorgeous you are," Rowan said. Alders grew a little nervous about meeting Rowan's childhood friends. He didn't know how they'd react knowing their best mate was a fairy. Past experiences Alders never really had friends, he was never really a people person before Rowan.

Alders sat up, he felt the anxiety hit him. "Would they accept you for loving another man?" Alders asked. The boy felt Rowan's hand on his shoulder, gently caressing it. "They know I'm gay, nothing to be afraid of," Rowan said. "I just don't want the same events that happened back in London to happen here, that night where those blokes attacked you and me in the alley," Alders said. Alders got out of bed, he began pacing with worry. "We shouldn't have come here, let us go back to London if we leave right now we could catch a plane home," Alders said.

Georgia entered the room, she looked worried. "What is happening in here," She asked. Alders was sitting in the corner with tears streaming down his cheeks. "He's having second thoughts about being here," Rowan said. "What did you say to him," Georgia asked. Alders had his eyes closed and his hands over his ears. "I just mentioned that I was going to introduce him to some of my friends," Rowan said. "He's scared half to death, did something happen in London," Georgia said.

"Tell her...Rowan" Alders said.

"These two guys attacked us in an alleyway before you and Dad came to visit, Alders is afraid that the same thing will happen with my friends when he meets them," Rowan said. "You didn't care to inform your own mother, Alders when was this" Georgia said. "In August," Alders said. "You didn't bother to call the authorities," Georgia asked. "What would they have done, they don't care about people like Alders and me," Rowan said. "Not many people cared about your mother either, but one thing for sure your own mother cares about the both of you," Georgia said. 

Alders calmed himself slightly before he got up to hug Georgia. "Thank you for caring about me Miss Georgia" Alders sniffled. Georgia rubbed Alders back as he cried a bit more. "You've always been a part of this family," Georgia said.

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