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"Papa Aldi when will we see Grandma and Grandpa again" Victor asked. Rowan put on a sad smile he knew that answer but didn't want to tell his two children the ugly truth. Learning about death at a young age haunts a soul. Victor is reaching ten while Caroline is reaching eleven. "Papa Rowan told me where they are," Caroline said. She looked at her brother, who was playing with the train that was gifted to him by Georgia. "They are at peace now Vic..." Caroline said. Rowan rubbed his temples at Caroline's answer, his daughter knew at eleven how to push his buttons with wise answers. Georgia definitely taught her that. Georgia taught the two many things that Rowan and Alders are trying to undo. Caroline picked up Georgia's habit of elbowing someone in the stomach if they didn't answer quickly.

"We don't elbow people in the stomach for answering slowly... that was your teacher," Alders said. It was bad enough Caroline has been transferred to three different schools due to this habit.

As for Victor, he learned how to dress himself, like Alders and Rowan. "You're in fourth grade Vic no one wears fedoras to school," Rowan said. Removing the hat from his son's head. "You and Papa do, why can't I" Victor asked. His teachers have even noticed that Victor does not interact with the other boys in his class. Instead, he prefers playing with the girls, even asking to sit on the girl's side of the classroom during lessons. Victor came home from school one day with a bruised face. "Boys at school called me a fairy for playing with the girls then they followed me into an alley and beat me up," Victor said.

Alders hugged his son tightly the memories of that night when they two were jumped and beaten were flooding back in. Alders aided his son's wounds by patching him up with bandages and rubbing hydrogen peroxide on the cuts to calm the infections. "It hurts Papa" Victor cried. Alders hated to see his children in pain especially Victor he knew that his son was a special case due to his sexuality. "Why did they beat me up papa" Victor asked. "Those boys are afraid of the real you that's why they did that to you, Papa Rowan and I both had that happen to us when we were younger," Alders said. "How do I stop them from beating me" Victor asked. "Run as fast as you can I know it sounds horrible but run straight home if they follow you again," Alders said. "Why do they hate me Papa I didn't do anything to them," Victor asked. Alders sighed he knew this was the outcome his son wanted the cold truth as to why this was happening. "You're a Homosexual it means that you are more feminine that those boys and that's why they are attacking you" Alders said.

It didn't take long for Rowan to find out what Alders had put into their sons head.

"Papa is it true that Victor is a homosexual" Caroline asked. Rowan's eyes grew wide as he spit out his coffee. "Where is this coming from" Rowan asked. "Papa Aldi told me I was one" Victor said.

Rowan excused himself from the dining room. He knew Alders had already ate he picked up this habit recently. Alders was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes.

Rowan closed the door behind him. Alders avoided his gaze. "Why does our son think he's a homosexual" Rowan asked. "I may have told him he was one when I explained why he was being attacked" Alders said.

Rowan rubbed his temple's as he sighed. "He's only ten Aldi" Rowan said. "I was ten when I knew I was a homosexual in case you forgot Rowie" Alders said. Alders pulled him down to his level by the tie. "You better accept our son for who he is" Alders said. Pressing a swift kiss to the Americans lips. The American kissed back. "I'll love him and our daughter equally" Rowan said.

Alders resumed his dish cleaning. Rowan glanced over his body, the way he looked so domestic. He couldn't help himself from sliding his arms around Alders waist. "Let's play house" Rowan said. Placing light kisses on his husband's neck.

"The kids are here" Alders said. The Americans hands went south causing a shiver to rise. "Are you forgetting Meredith has the kids for Henry's birthday" Rowan said. "You know I don't talk to my brother" Alders said.

Rowan untied Alders apron watching it fall to the ground. "No kids means you can fool around with your husband" Rowan said. Alders liked the sound of that, grabbing a random bottle of wine he popped it open. He didn't bother using glasses instead he drank from the bottle.

Rowan took the bottle from Alders as he began drinking out of it. Alders arm wrapped around his husband's waist. Holding his mouth open Rowan poured a decent amount of wine. "That's enough wine for now" Rowan said. Picking up Alders, causing him to giggle from being off guard.

Alders jumped on the bed, he was giggly whenever he drank. Rowan's touches made the Brit giggle more his mind was made to mush.

Rowan, slid a hand up Alders shirt. Slightly pinching a nipple causing Alders to gasp. "Stop teasing me Rowie it's been ages" Alders cried. Rowan unbuttoned Alders pants tugging them off along with his briefs. Alders threw off his shirt. Alders grew impatient as he tore apart Rowan's clothes.

"Mr. Kelly you're so handsome who's the lucky lady" Alders said. Rowan kissed Alders letting his hands wander . "I'm a homosexual who has a handsome husband" Rowan said.

Alders placed his legs on Rowan's shoulders. Rowan introduced him to this position after a night at the Lawrence. After a few rounds of practice the British man grew more confident in this position. With each hard thrust Alders toes began to curl as his moans began to grow louder.

"Don't wake the kids" Rowan teased. Continuing his pace, the bed shaking with ease. Alders moans filled the house. Rowan kissed him keeping his pace. Alders arms wrapped around his husband's neck. The two came with each other with heavy hearts.

Rowan didn't pull out of his husband. Instead he just stayed inside him as he cuddled him from the top. Alders loved feeling full after a good love making. He didn't want his husband to leave just yet.

Eventually Rowan pulled out of Alders, distracting him with kisses. "Noooo how will I go on without you" Alders said. Rowan only kissed him more feeling Alders need.

"Thank you for loving me all those years and teaching me what it means to be loved by someone" Alders said.

"I don't think I could love anyone else the way that I love you. You're my greatest love" Rowan said.

Alders Lennon

Alders (boyxman)Where stories live. Discover now