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A knock on the door was heard of the Kelly residence. The two men were beginning to move slower now. In 1959, Alders began showing signs of Dementia. This saddened the American to bits he didn't want his truest love to lose his memory.

Alders answered the door, a woman stood there. "What is a negro doing here" Alders shouted. Rowan came to his aid quickly. "Come in Caroline" Rowan said. Caroline held a picture of her and Alders when she was younger. "I'm your daughter papa Aldi" Caroline said. "She's telling the truth Alders you and I raised Caroline together with her brother Victor" Rowan said.

Family pictures were near them, Alders began to recognize the faces. "I'm sorry Carol..." Alders said. Caroline hugged her father, tears were threatening to spill from her eyes. "There's nothing to be sorry for Papa Aldi" Caroline said.

Alders medicine timer went off from the kitchen. His nurse set it up so the couple could remember the proper times. "I'll stay with Pa you go get his meds" Caroline said. Alders looked at her daughter he noticed her stomach was big. "Are you pregnant" Alders asked.

Caroline placed her father's hand on her belly. He felt a tiny kick against his hand. "I'm six months pregnant papa Aldi" She said. "Is the father in the picture" Alders asked. "His name is Leonard we got married three years ago, you and Rowan walked me down the aisle" Caroline said. "Do you know what you're having" Alders asked. "A little girl...Layla is her name" Caroline said. 

Alders grew teary eyed he was going to be a grandfather. Both his love and him were going to be grandparents. Alders fell to the floor out of shock, Rowan came into the room. "Oh shit, did you tell him you were expecting" Rowan asked. Caroline nodded. "Aldi, can you hear me" Rowan said.

His eyes were spaced out with an expression that held surprise. "We're going to be grandparents Rowie" Alders said. Caroline had three other children Martin, Frankie and Sarah baby Layla was the fourth child. But she didn't want to give her dementia ridden father a heart attack.

Rowan gave Alders his dementia medication. The medicine the doctors prescribed him was fairly new. Rowan knew this very well but he had to follow the orders of the doctors.

"Does papa Aldi know that a house nurse is coming" Caroline asked. "Yes" Rowan said. He discussed it over dinner last night with his husband how Caroline found one.

The home nurse arrived, Caroline knew it was the best choice for both of her fathers. Rowan answered the door, a female nurse stood at the door. "Hi, I'm Rowan Kelly please come in" Rowan said. Rowan showed the nurse around the home.

"How long have you two been married" She asked. "Twenty years" Rowan said. "Do you fear that he'll forget those twenty years of marriage" She asked. Rowan nodded, he was on the verge of breaking. "The years prior to marriage I fear he'll forget everyday" He said.

"Dad, Alders is asking for you" Caroline said. Caroline switched with her father as she walked with the nurse.

Alders was laying in their bedroom. The confusion he once had vanished for a moment. Rowan noticed he was looking confused at a man. "Who is this man standing next to me" Alders asked. Rowan looked at the man it was their son Victor. He's been troublesome, experimenting with drugs, sex and lust.

Every now and again Victor would come home. Each time he did it was worse than the last. "Hi dad" Victor said. "Aldi this is our son Victor" Alders said. Victor noticed something was wrong with his dad.

"In the hallway now" Rowan said. Victor followed his dad out to the hall, closing the door behind him. "You've come home for what is it this time please enlighten me" Rowan said. Victor fell to his knees, holding his dad's hand. "I'm done with drugs dad I'm done with all of it..." Victor cried. Rowan didn't believe a word his son said he's heard it all before.

"I'm also starting to get these dark marks on my body dad, the doctors are saying it's a STD and it's incurable dad I'm scared, I don't want to die young" Victor said. Rowan held his son as he cried into his chest. "When's your next appointment with the doctor" Rowan asked. "They said theirs nothing to do for me dad I'm a lost cause" Victor said. "No...don't say that you're not a lost cause, tomorrow you and I are going to have a word with that doctor during your appointment, also how many partners have you had" Rowan said.

"Six" Victor said. "If Grandma Georgia were still kicking she would've slapped you outside your head are you crazy" Rowan said. "It was Europe every gay man had multiple sexual partners" Victor said. "You were unsafe and you still got your dick wet inside another man" Rowan said. "Didn't you ever have multiple partners, no you didn't why should I take advice from a one time partner gay man like yourself" Victor said. "I had loyalty towards your father you don't have an ounce of loyalty toward any sexual partners, lovers, come back when you have an ounce of loyalty for someone" Rowan said. "Fuck you" Victor said. At that moment Victor would be a lost cause of the Kelly family. Rowan had to live with himself regarding the conversation he had with his son till the day his son was laid to rest.

(Read Model Material if you want more of continued content of the Kelly family.)

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