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Georgia and Richard Kelly. Rowan's parents traveled by ship to visit their son. Georgia was a southern bell from Mississippi and Richard was a Londoner.

The two lived in New York up until Rowan was born. They moved around a bit to Mississippi. But Richard convinced Georgia to move back to upstate New York.

Rowan frantically fixed his hair in the mirror. Alders watched him. "Rowan" Alders asked.

Rowan turned around, he noticed Alders looked nervous. "Don't be scared of my parents...they'll love you like a son" He said.

Rowan held his hand out for Alders to take. Opening his bedroom door, the two walked downstairs hand and hand.

The older could feel the boys hand sweating nervously. Rowan placed a final kiss on his hand as their foot met the last step.

In the living room sat a white man with his arm around a woman with chocolate skin. She wore a top that contained red flowers and a maroon skirt that went to her shin.

"You must be Alders, it's about time I meet you" She said. "Alders this is my mother Georgia" Rowan said.

"It's an honor to meet you Georgia" Alders said. Georgia turned her head to the man. "Richard bring yourself over here and say hello" Georgia said.

The man known as Richard got up with a cigarette in his hand. "This is Rowan's daddy Richard, say hello to Alders, Richie" Georgia said.

Richard looked Alders up and down. "Are you related to the Manchester Lennons" Richard asked. Alders used to be a Manchester Lennon.

"No, I'm the Farnham Lennons actually" Alders said. "It's very nice to meet you young man" Richard said. Richard held out his hand that didn't contain the cigarette. Alders then shook his hand.

"Do you care if I smoke in here Row" Richard said. "Oh no you've already done it once go ahead" Rowan said. Richard sat back on the sofa. Georgia was looking to see if any of the windows in the room opened.

Alders went to go help her. When he found the right one he opened it. "Thank you, the cigarette smoke makes me sick" Georgia said.

"My grandfather smoked cigarettes daily I could barely stand it" Alders said.

Georgia shoved Richard to the seat nearest to the open window. "Have some decorum were in our sons house" Georgia said.

Maria entered the room with a tray of tea. "Tea is ready Mr. Kelly" Maria said. Georgia looked at her son. "You have a white woman serving you" Georgia said. Smiling as she watched Maria walk away.

"I've raised you so well" Georgia said. Richard winked at his son. "Do you have any plans while you're in London" Rowan asked. "It is your mother's birthday after all" Richard said.

"I decided to spend it with my son and his partner, I hope it is alright" Georgia said. Alders budged in excitedly. "Of course it is Ms. Georgia, we'd love to have you for your birthday" Alders said.

Georgia kissed Alders cheek. "Aren't you a doll" She said. Causing him to blush. Rowan watched his family interact with Alders, he loved him even more.

That afternoon Alders took Ms. Georgia out on the town. "You didn't have to do this" Georgia said. "Between you and me, it was my idea to spoil you the day before your birthday" Alders said.

"Not even my own husband can do that" Georgia teased. Causing the two to giggle. "You're too much Ms. Georgia" Alders said.

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