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Prohibition in the 1920's was a complete hoax to the elite crowd.

Bar tenders poured out alcoholic beverages to the wealthy all night, meanwhile the poor drank from the sewers. A very happy Billie Dove approached Alders as she got up from her table. She wore a dazzling dress that could catch someones attention for miles. "Alders, my little duck it's been so long" Billie said. She hugged him tightly. "Why do you keep him from us Rowan, darn you" Billie said. Before Any of the two could answer Alders was pulled away by Billie to the dance floor.

"Alders, dance with me" Billie said. Alders couldn't say no to the woman that was Billie Dove. Alders and Billie began to dance as the bandstand's rhythm section sped up. Alders was able to keep up with Billie as she danced causing her to laugh with joy.

"Oh my stars Aldie you can dance, maybe even better than me" Billie said. Alders face turned red, "You're a way better dancer than me" Alders said. "Nonsense my duckling" Billie said.

Rowan found Horace sitting with Langston Hughes, the two were holding a conversation as Rowan took a seat at their table.

"Rowan, what a delight it is to see you here tonight" Langston said. Rowan's eyes were on Alders as he danced with Billie. A smile managed to work it's way across Rowan's face as Alders laugh was heard. "Excuse me gentle men, I'm going to dance with my love" Rowan said. Horace raised his glass as he cheered for Rowan.

The music began to slow down, Billie saw Rowan approach them, she smiled. "I'll take it from here" Rowan said. Alders felt Rowan's hand on the small of his back. "Care for a dance" Rowan whispered. Alders nodded. He always loved a dance with Rowan. "Lead the way" Alders said. Rowan guided him out towards the dance floor, people gasped with wonder when they saw Alders hand in Rowans. "It's just us" Rowan said. Alders and Rowan began to dance as the music went slow. Billie went back to her table with Langston.

All eyes were on the two of them as they danced to the music of the club. "You look absolutely breath taking tonight my love" Rowan said. Alders blushed madly, he tried to hide his face in Rowan's chest. "I'm easy to make blush" Alders said. Rowan chuckled softly, whispering in his ear. "Don't I know" Rowan said.   As they danced Alders closed his eyes, he felt safe in this moment.

Back at the tables, Fitzgerald made his way to Horace. A woman was sitting next to Horace. "Leave us" Fitzgerald said. The woman quickly got up. "What is the meaning of this, Fitzgerald" Horace said. "Who is that man with Rowan" he asked. Horace was told by Rowan to keep a tight lip.

"Cmon Horace, everyone here knows you love the gossip" Fitzgerald said. Horace knew Fitzgerald was right, he had to keep his word for Rowan. The author reached into his pocket and took out a stack of money. "All this is yours, if you tell me who he is" Fitzgerald said.

Horace sat quietly in the chair, Fitzgerald took the money back. Before getting up he whispered in Horace's ear. "You're a coward" Fitzgerald said. Walking past Horace, Fitzgerald went towards the phone banks.

Fitzgerald began to dial a number dear to him. He waited for someone to answer the phone. By the second ring a male answered.

"Ezra Residents" A feminine voice answered the phone. "Yes, this is Scott Fitzgerald is Leon present" Fitzgerald asked. Silence was heard from the line, muffled conversation was from the exchange of the phone.

The boy went to retrieve Mr. Ezra from his recent activity. In the house multiple men were wandering about, much that looked like the boy. The boy approached Mr. Ezra's door, groans of pain were heard from the other side. He cautiously knocked, not wanting to piss off Mr. Ezra even more.

A boy left the room limping, he didn't look hurt, just satisfied. "That could be you Tiger" a man said. The boy looked. The door was opened.

A man towered with muscle answered the door, he smirked when he saw the boy. "Look who it is" the man said. The man touched the boys soft cheek, the boy didn't flinch. Instead he sank into the warmth of the mans hand. "Hello, Tiger" He said.

Causing the boy to blush as he placed small his hand on top of the bigger mans, the man messed up the boys hair causing him to whine. "I just fixed my hair" He pouted. "Have you come back for more tiger" the man whispered. The boy shook his head, trying not to melt from the mans words.

"I-I h-Have a F-F-Fitzgerald on the line for you Mr. Ezra" He said. The boy could barley manage to get those words out as the man's lips were on the boys neck. "Thank you Mr. Ezra for blessing me with him" He said. "Anything for my right hand man" He said.

"How about You and I, tiger take this to my room hmm" The man said. "Use your words Matthew, Babyface likes it when you use your words" Mr. Ezra said. "Yes sir, please sir" Matthew said. Baby face chuckled coldly as he held Matthew in his big arms.

"Why don't you say goodnight to Mr. Ezra, he did bring us together" Babyface said. The man's hands wandered all over Matthew's body. "G-good N-night Mr. Ezra" Matthew said.

Babyface kissed Matthew's pale neck, he loved the paleness of his tiger, he loved everything about him. Matthew's face went red as he felt the mans lips on his neck. "Come join us Sir" Matthew said. Babyfaced loved the boy to bits.

Mr. Ezra had to decline the precious boys offer to take the call. This caused the boy to pout. "They'll be other times you'll get to have me join you two" Mr. Ezra said. Babyface playfully slapped Matthews ass causing him to squeak. Mr. Ezra watched the two lovebirds retire to Babyfaces den before taking the call.

"Leon Ezra speaking"

Alders (boyxman)Where stories live. Discover now