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The publishing of Rowan's book was days away. A news reporter showed up at the Kelly home. Rowan was busy in the study finalizing any little mistakes he made, little as in his anxiety took over.


"I've got it Rowie" Alders said. Opening the door a woman stood, she had a confident presence in her smile. "Good morning I am Edith, I received a phone message from a Norma about meeting with Rowan Kelly for a interview" Edith said.

Alders showed her to Rowan's tidy study. These days it hasn't been as tidy. Alders offered Edith tea, she accepted. Rowan's office was down the hall from the sitting room. "How long have you known Norma" Alders asked. "A few years actually I worked with her during my career upbringing" Edith said.

Alders knocked on Rowan's door. He didn't want to barge in. "Come in" Rowan said. Alders opened the door Edith followed behind him. "I have a Edith last name please" Alders said. "Edith Bell" She said. "Oh yes Norma informed me that you'd be stopping by" Rowan said.

Alders snuck out of the room to go get the tea made. Putting the kettle on Alders waited for the water to come to a boil. Returning to the dining table Dorothy was laying in a chair. Alders didn't know she was there until he almost sat on her.

"My dear lady I'm terribly sorry" Alders said. She then jumped on the table quickly she found a new place to lay. Her head was butting at Alders hand. A chuckle escaped Alders lips as he gave in to her command. "Yes my fair lady I shall pet you" Alders said.

The tea kettle screamed out as the steam shot through the spout. Alders took the kettle off the stove top. He then went to the cupboards where the tea cups were stored.

Alders grabbed two tea cups one was designed with lavender leaves and the other was designed with roses. Alders poured Rowan's tea in the Lavender tea cup Edith had the rose cup.

After the tea was made he took the kettle and poured it into the cups. Although they did have maids Alder enjoyed doing simple things himself. Rowan on the other hand was lacking in the by himself department.

Dorothy's meows we're heard from the chair. "Yes yes my lady I shall feed you in a moment" Alders said. Dorothy followed Alders to Rowan's study. Alders was careful not to trip over Dorothy as he walked.

Knocking on the study door Rowan allowed Alders to enter. Edith was awfully close to Rowan's desk. "Tea is done" Alders said. Edith rolled her eyes with a fake smile. "Wonderful" Edith sarcastically said.

"Let's continue" Edith said. "Do you mind if I stay" Alders asked. "Of course the readers have some questions regarding you being Mr. Kelly's lover" Edith said.

"The public first recognized you and Rowan together back in July how would you describe your relationship" Edith asked.

"I would say exciting, I come from a poor family and being with a known author is exciting to say the least" Alders said.

"Is it true that you made Rowan a homosexual..years prior he was a straight man" Edith said.

Alders swallowed loudly as he paled. "How do you know this information" Alders said. "Sources" Edith said. "How dare you ask a question like that Ms. Bell" Alders said. "The readers want to know" Edith and.

"That is my private opinion not something the public deserves to know" Alders said. "Mr. Kelly brought this up" Edith said. Alders glanced over at his love. "He did why" Alders asked.

"I'm sorry Aldi" Rowan said. Alders left the room without saying a word. "I'll see myself out..thank you for your time" Edith said.

Rowan didn't hesitate to wait after Edith left. Alders laid on the bed in their bedroom. Rowan entered moments later a lump was found under the covers. On top lies Dorothy. "Where oh where could my love be I miss him terribly so much it sorrows me" Rowan said.

"Don't serenade me with poetic justice I'm still angry" Alders said. Rowan took the covers off of Alders precious face. "Why would you say that to a reporter" Alders asked. "It slipped out I'm sorry really I am" Rowan said.

"I want you to take me out for a apology" Alders said. "I'll take you to the club in downtown London" Rowan said. Alders shook his head a smirk was on his face. "I don't want to go to that Elitist hole in the wall I want to go to the Lawrence" Alders said.

Alders and Rowan entered the Lawrence. Compared to their first visit to the club, the atmosphere changed. New furnishings were put in new places new rooms were also added to the club.

Alders and Rowan sat down on a sofa. A band was playing classical music in front. Laughter and talking were heard throughout the club. You could say the Lawrence grew to become a safe haven for Homosexuals.

Alders and Rowan shared a kiss on the sofa. Giggles were heard from Alders sweet lips. Rowan felt Alders hands rub up his inner thighs. "You look handsome here there and everywhere" Alders said. Rowan chuckled kissing Alders forehead. "Now who's serving poetic justice" Rowan said.

Alders rested his head on Rowan's shoulder. "Would you like to dance" Rowan asked. The classic music slowed down to a slower pace. "I'd love to" Alders said.

Rowan showed his love to the dance floor. Alders  has been gaining a bit more weight recently. Rowan has been extremely active with him about eating full meals instead of skipping. "I'm so proud of everything you've accomplished these past months" Rowan said.

"I'm eating more because you didn't give up on me when I was at my lowest and I love you for that" Alders said. Rowan kissed Alders as they danced together. Alder's continued the kiss slowly. Pulling away Alders  rested his head on Rowan's shoulder.

"Thank you for not giving up on me with my eating disorder" Alders said. His forehead still stayed on Rowan's shoulder. Rowan chuckled kissing Alders temple. Alders stomach has grown a little gut at the bottom of his stomach. Alders hates the feeling of gaining weight.

"Rowan do you still love me even though I gained weight" Alders asked. "Of course I do, you're at your healthiest weight you'll always have me around" Rowan said. Alders smiled. "You'll have me around forever" Rowan said.

Alders (boyxman)Where stories live. Discover now