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"Dorothy get your furry tail out from under the bed" Alders said. A bowl of her food was near by. Alders was on his knees looking for Dorothy, who didn't want to cooperate.

"Is she always difficult like this when she travels" Rowan asked. "She's being stubborn for a reason" Alders said. Rowan tapped Alders shoulder, the boy looked at the American.

"Let me see if I can get her out" Rowan said. Alders stood up, looking defeated. Rowan kissed his lips softly. Rowan got down on his knees to look under the bed.

Dorothy was curled up in the middle of the floor. Rowan shook her food bowl a few times before she came out. "How the hell did she do that for you and not me" Alders said. Rowan got up with Dorothy in his arms.

"You betrayed me" Alders said. The furry cat looked at Alders. He couldn't stay mad at her for long. Dorothy was his best friend, sometimes his enemy.

Alders held open Dorothy's carrier. Rowan placed the cat in the carrier. "I hate leaving her in the carrier" Alders said. "I know but it'll be for a little while" Rowan said. "When does our flight leave" Alders asked. "In a few hours, we should probably get going" Rowan said.

Alders finished packing his bags last night. Compared to Rowan, who was still packing. "Does Georgia know you're a slow packer" Alders teased. Rowan turned around, Alders was sitting on the bed. "She screams each time I pack due to how slow I am" He said. Alders laughed, he only imagined Georgias reaction.

Alders kissed him, little giggles leaving his lips occasionally. "She's right you do pack slow" Alders said. Rowan rolled his eyes, he loved it when Alders teased him.

Arriving at the airport, the American parked his car. Alders let out a nervous breath. Rowan squeezed his hand. Alders squeezed his hand back. "Ready" Rowan asked. Alders nodded.

Alders and Rowan were on the plane sooner than later. Dorothy was doing well in her carrier.

Alders sat down on the airplane seat, he shut his eyes. "Are we there yet" He asked. Rowan chuckled. "We haven't even took off yet" He said. "Am I really that nervous about flying" Alders said. Alders looked down at Dorothy's carrier.

"I'm sure she's just as nervous as you are, maybe more" Rowan said. Dorothy has never been on a plane, Alders was just the same. They both were nervous about flying over the ocean.

Rowan was there as a support system for the British boy. The same flight attendant walked past the two of them. "Excuse me..would I be able to take my cat out of her carrier" Alders asked. "I don't see why not" she said. Alders took Dorothy out of her carrier, she sat on his lap.

By then the plane had taken off into the air. Dorothy had taken away some of Alders anxiety by being in his lap. She was purring in his lap because she loved him.

Alders (boyxman)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن