"A place of happiness"

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The next day went as always, (Y/N) would sit in her seat scribbling on a random peace of paper, and Judith would spend her time with her established group of friends. Of course the blonde tried to introduce the (h/c) haired girl to her other friends but non of them seemed pleased with her presence.

(Y/N) didn't take it personal tho, she was used to it. Plus she didn't really feel like socializing today so it's fine.

After the classes ended the girl was getting ready to go back home, until Judith awkwardly approached her.

—"Uh, hey (Y/N). Sorry if it sound sudden and all but... Do you mind to come with me to pick Michael from the school?"—

—"Huh? Really?"— you ask surprised.

—"Yeah, that bastard didn't stop asking me if you would come again. Please just one more time for today cuz I really don't want to listen him ask about you nonstop."—

—"Wow, that's... Unexpected, I honestly thought that he didn't liked me."— you look down awkwardly and scratch the back of your head.

—"I have no idea what is going in his head neither. So... Are you coming or not?"—

—"Uh, yeah sure! I have nothing to do this afternoon anyways."— you shrug with a little smile.

The two girl then again began to walk but suddenly got stopped by the known Terry.

—"Hey Juds, where are you going? Aren't we supposed to hang out today?"— he asks with a quizzical expression.

—"Oh shit I completely forgot!"— Judith facepalms herself and then looks at you with embarrassment. —"Uh... Hey (Y/N) I'm si sorry if it sounds bold of me but... Maybe you can pick Michael yourself...?"—

—"Huh? But... But aren't you worried about letting a stranger go near your little brother?"— you question a bit weirded out.

—"I mean yeah, but you two seems to get along so I have nothing to worry about."— she carelessly shrugs. —"Also it's not like you are going to kidnap him."—

(Y/N) was still feeling a bit uneasy, but maybe Judith is right and she is just overthinking the situation way too much. Come on it should be easy, all she has to do is take a 6 y/o kid home, how hard could it be?

—"Fine, but if I get in trouble it will be your fault."— you teasingly reply.

—"Uuh (Y/N) troublemaker?~"— she says in a teasing and amusing tone. —"Okay but now seriously, thanks you so so much, I owe you this one."—

—"God, women take forever to say 'bye'."— Terry says whilst rolling his eyes.

—"Shut the fuck up you ass. Not my fault I have a friend to express my love and care for!"— Judith fires back.

Whilst the male student began to insult Judith back, she quickly waved to the (h/c) haired girl before walking away and arguing back with the other teen. (Y/N) just sighs with a small smile, such a weird and aggressive friendship these two have...

. . .

The teen was peacefully standing in front of the gates in the same place as the day before, waiting for Michael to walk out.

As soon as the boy went trough the gates and spotted (Y/N) but not his sister in the crowd his eyes widened, definitely not expecting her to be there. He then approaches the girl, who was standing there a bit awkwardly.

—"H-hey there. Sorry for my sudden appearance, Judith said she had to do something and asked me to take you home. Hope you don't mind."— you try your best to sound as friendly and welcoming as possible.

Shapes of your memory (Michael Myers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now