"Part of one design"

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—"That wasn't a wise thing to do."— Melanie comments whilst the back of her palm was pressed against our forehead.

—"I know, but it was worth it."— you smirk, but eventually your smile dies and you sigh. —"Ugh who am I even kidding, I'm a moron. I should've realized that doing such activities after being literally overdosed would give me some negatives consecuentes..."—

—"You're lucky that you're body recuperated relatively fast, but I seriously don't recommend you doing that any time soon."— she replies, her voice monotone yet calm with no hints of judgment.

It was already next day, and as promised Melanie had come by to check (Y/N)'s state one more time.
Both girls were sitting in the living room, Michael... Well, he was nowhere to be seen but his presence was there, the man was probably stalking them from somewhere.

—"And is Joseph aware of what happened?"— you ask.

—"Of corse he is, I told him. I'm no snitch but I figured out this is something worth telling."— she explains. —"I may not be the best at empathizing or recognizing emotions, but I could tell he was livid. Right now he's trying to figure out who changed the tranquilizers."—


—"Yeah, apparently someone swapped the syringes, the new one contained a drug so strong that it could paralyze or even kill a bear."—

(Y/N) remains silent for a couple os seconds, her face gets paler ones she processed what Melanie just said.

—"So you're telling me, I was a moment away from fucking dying?!"—

—"Ja. That's why I said you were lucky. If it wasn't for Michael you wouldn't survive."—

(Y/N) let's out a shaky sight and lowers her gaze. She already had some close calls but this time she felt truly terrified, she almost died because of the officer's unprofessionalism. However, now that brings another question... Who swapped the medicines?

—"...Does someone wants to kill me?"— you ask yourself without realizing you said ir out loud.

Melanie remains quiet for a moment, thinking.

—"I don't know..."— she lowers her gaze as well.

The duo remains silent for a while, the atmosphere wasn't awkward or heavy, just empty and silent... (Y/N) was clearly struggling to figure out what to do or think about all of this. Was this just an awful coincidence? Is someone suspecting of her and decided to get rid of her?

It wouldn't be crazy to associate Logan with all of this, he may be just a security guard but that bastard is like a snake, he always finds a way to accomplish and get whatever he has in mind, and no one will ever notice or suspect...

While (Y/N) was still thinking, Melanie took a quick glance around the living room, clearly wanting to distract her distressed friend before her health worsens. Her hazel eyes stop on her little workspace.

—"Is it me or the piano looks kinda dusty?"— she asks whilst tilting her head a bit.

—"That?... Oh, yeah. Haven't really played for a while. Wasn't really in the mood."— you sigh.

—"Out of ideas?"—

—"Sorta. Sometimes I do want to play but eventually my motivation kinda dies and... Meh."— you shrug whilst staring at the piano. —"But you're right, it is kinda dusty. I probably should clean it up a bit."—

—"That's good, keep distracting yourself. Stress is the last thing you need right now."—

—"Yeah... And thank you for coming and saving me Melanie, I literally have no words."— you smile at her with slightly glossy eyes, being truly thankful.

Shapes of your memory (Michael Myers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now