"Afternoon chat"

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—"What?! Who was it? Who dared to slap you?!"—

Michael yelled and lightly hit the table whilst standing up. (Y/N) had tried to stay quiet about her school day but the little boy quickly noticed her reddened cheek, and despite her trying to brush it off the boy never gave up to learn the truth. After some more begging the teen finally accepted to speak.

—"It's not important who did it Mikey, I'm sure that next week things will calm down again."— you look at him with a warm and reassuring smile, trying to calm him down. —"Also don't stand up so harsh, you almost knocked down the bottle of glue."—

Glue...? Oh yeah, the teen and the kid where already in (L/N) residence, the girl needed to make a papier-mâché mask as her art homework, and Michael as the awesome little helper he is decided to do it as well, it seemed pretty fun!

—"Sorry..."— he sits back in his sit. —"But still, who had the guts to slap you?! You are like the sweetest and kindest person in the entire world!"— he complains in a bit childish tone.

—"Some people react harsh to gossip and decide to take 'justice' into their hands without even trying to learn both sides of the story."— you calmly explain whilst working on your mask.

—"But is still not fair! When I learn who did it I swear I will kill their pet and leave it in their front door as a warning."— he darkly says. —"People that dare to hurt you deserve punishment... Or death"—

The teen's eyes widened a bit at the boy's statements, he already said some dark stuff in the past but now it was different... Ether it was because of Loomis's words or the unsettling gaze that Michael had whilst speaking that made the girl feel a shiver run trough her body. But she decides to give the benefit of the doubt and calm Michael down, maybe he is just having a childish meltdown because of frustration?

—"Michael."— you frown a bit and shift closer towards the boy. —"The world is full of good, bad, smart and dumb people, and also people we may or not like. I understand that sometimes you just want to end the person you hate, but the troubles it will bring later aren't worth it."—

—"I don't care, as long as it means they stop bothering us I am willing to see them die."— the stubbornly replies and leans his head on your shoulder.

—"They will stop, and they will change into a better version of themselves. People aren't made of stone, everyone will end up changing at some point."— you start to caress his head softly. —"And if they change and become worse, it's alright. It's just an indicator to stay away from them and move in with your own life."—

Michael stays quiet, thinking about (Y/N)'s words. After a moment of silence the boy hugs and cuddles to her side affectionately.

—"Will you still like me if I ever change?"— he asks, lowering his gaze.

—"Of course, as long as you don't hurt me or my family, or steal my candy after Halloween."— you say the last part with a teasing tone. —"And being the little sunshine you are, I doubt you ever will do something bad to me."—

—"Yeah hehe... I would never hurt you (Y/N)."— he presses himself closer. —"Never."—

—"I know you won't, I know."— you give him a small kiss in his forehead before continuing making your mask.

After such gesture, Michael's cheeks flushed with pink and he quickly looks away, not wanting (Y/N) to notice his blush, but he won't lie, it felt... Good, really good.

. . .

—"Wow, y'know Michael you are actually even better than me at papier-mâché, your mask looks awesome!"— you compliment him, ruffing his blonde hair affectionately.

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