"Old enemies crawl back"

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Bits of light began to shine into (Y/N)'s eyes, making her sleepy face frown and nuzzle into the soft surface she was laying on. Ones she escaped the annoying flashes she lets out a content sigh.

However, when her senses began to awake she noticed that the surface is sorta... Moving?

Her (e/c) eyes slowly open and her face instantly tints with red colors when she's greeted with Michael's maskless sleeping face. Has she been laying on top of him this whole time? She doesn't even remember when she fell asleep, guess what they did last night really drained all kind of energy out of her body and mind.

(Y/N) remains quiet and just looks at the man, silently appreciating his features since it's the first time she has such a clear view of his face.

However, while doing so, inside of her a feeling of light guilt began to flower. What they did was truly okay? If feels right and not at the same time... But what truly messes (Y/N) up is the fact that Michael wanted to take her practically out of nowhere, or did he have such feelings about her all this time? Did she do right by allowing him to take her? The innocent 'likeness' and attachment he felt as a child were genuine or just the beginning of this odd possession towards her?...

The whole story about her, Michael and their relationship only tangled (Y/N)'s mind further, not knowing how many things about the man and herself were hidden and yet to discover.

As if sensing her internal conflict, Michael's eyes open suddenly, making the female flinch. But instead of being upset, he moves his large hand through her (h/c) hair to the back of her head and lightly pushes it down, pressing her face to his broad and firm chest again whilst his other arm wraps around her body, bringing her into a strong and secure embrace.

The indications were clear, sleep. Maybe he's right, she definitely shouldn't break this moment with concerns, at least not when her brain is still dizzy. With a soft sigh she nuzzles into Michael's chest again, gaining a content purr-sigh from the man.

. . .

—"{Damn it Michael.}"— you grumpily curse under your breath.

Around midday (Y/N) had to go to the store to get some groceries, but it wasn't as easy as supposed to. Her whole body felt sore, specially the spots where Michael pawed her, and not mentioning her legs...

Luckily, she bumped into Melanie durning her trip, so the shopping wasn't so awkward and exhausting.

—"Rough night?"— she asks.

—"S-sorta. I still don't know what got into him..."— you sigh. —"{This is all so messed up...}"—

Melanie stops what she was doing and then glances at (Y/N), her expression blank and clueless as always but her gaze showed bits of concern.

—"What disturbs you?"—

—"I..."— you stay quiet unsure if you should share your concerns, but eventually you just sigh again and run your hand through your face. —"I don't know Melanie, I just don't know what to think or feel about all of this... I feel guilty, like a naughty dumb child who just did something forbidden and is about to get brutally scolded."—

—"And why do you feel like this?"— she tilts her head slightly.

—"I don't know... Maybe it's because of what I did with Michael, or maybe because I finally realized that what he feels for me is no longer a simple 'emotional attachment'. Or maybe because I keep wondering if this possessive love was present since the beginning of our friendship... Or if it was even a friendship to him."— you hug your arms and lower your gaze. —"Was I always too blind?... Oblivious and naïve as Loomis always claimed?..."—

Shapes of your memory (Michael Myers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now