"Cooling down"

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After doing some quick shopping, (Y/N) was now heading back home. She decided to walk instead of taking any transports so she has more time to cool down and prepare to see Michael again.

She's still a bit afraid of what is going to happen, Michael is pretty unpredictable after all and his mood-swings aren't making it any better.

Will he be mad? Is he still angry? Is he going to kill her friends after this as her punishment? Ugh... So many terrible outcomes...

(Y/N)'s heart almost fell when a hand wrapped it's fingers around her forearm. Expecting to meet the hulking figure of the man she was so anxious to see, instead she was greeted by...

—"Howdy (Y/N), lovely to see you around again!"— Caleb greets you with a happy-go-lucky tone while grinning like an idiot.

The female doesn't reply, just tugs her arm out of the red haired man's grasp and stares at him with a disgusted expression, she was still pretty much upset at how he humiliated her durning the party and how he has the audacity to talk and touch her!

However, despite an obvious displeasure radiating from (Y/N), Caleb seemed totally oblivious of it and just puts his hands on his pockets.

—"Must been tough to process all the events, huh? Specially after the Halloween party."— he laughs a bit and scratches the back of his head.

The female just turns around with a huffs and storms away, clearly uninterested and annoyed. But again, Caleb didn't get the hint and began to walk beside her, casually saying and commenting things as if (Y/N) was his best friend.

—"And you wouldn't believe how my bro Logan was found, that Myers bitch destroyed his whole face!"—

(Y/N) slightly slowed her pace after hearing such thing, oh... Did her and her friend's prayers about Logan getting killed by Michael were actually answered?

—"However, he luckily survived, I knew my bro is tougher than that Myers freak could take."— he proudly adds.

Never mind. Anyways, if the red haired man doesn't fuck off anytime soon he may be the one who will get his face destroyed...

When the two of them arrived to a neighborhood that was not too far away from (L/N) residence, (Y/N), completely done at this point turns towards the man and...

—"Can you just shut the fuck up?! Holy shit how many fucking hints do you need to just leave me the fuck alone?!"— you yell at him. —"First you fuck my whole afternoon with your immature-ass-jokes, then you dare to touch me and follow me around like a fucking stalker, the fuck you want from me?!"—

Such tone left the red haired man surprised, but he just blinks a couple of times and stares at the female with a lost gaze.

—"Are you angry at me?"—

They both just stare at each other in complete silence for a couple of seconds, until (Y/N) let's out a heavy sigh and runs her hand through her face.

—"Just like I thought. 99.9% of your brain cells currently existing are actually motherfucking dead."—

—"So that's a 'yes'?"— he asks, still clueless.

—"YES! Now fuck off!"— you yell for one last time and storm away.

—"Oh... Okay, good luck with your period!"— he exclaims back in his happy-go-lucky tone again.

(Y/N) chose to ignore the comment completely, despite having an aching desire to throw a brick at this moron or stab him with the syringe that Joseph gave her this morning. How a person can be so freaking clueless?! Wasn't she clear enough?! What the fuck she can do to make that idiot understand that she is NOT interested?!

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