"Face to face with the monster"

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The pale face was peaking trough the semi-opened door of (Y/N)'s room, not moving at all, not making a noise, just staring back at her. The most unsettling part was the fact that the female couldn't see the body of the person or whatever things that was in her room, but it appears to be big.

(Y/N) forgot how to breath, how to move, how to think. All she could do is stare back at the intruder, her body not even shaking because of how tense it was.

Is there actually someone standing there? Is her mind playing tricks on her? Is it the exhaustion? The stress? What is going on?!

The female wanted to look away, shake her head and rub her eyes, hoping that whatever nightmare is going on just stops and she can go on with her life, but she can't. She can't just look away from that emotionless face, her subconscious is dictating her to keep looking as if this will prevent it to move forward, to come closer...

This bizarre staring context kept going for a good amount of time, it could be seconds or even a couple of minutes, but it felt like hours. When the female finally gained enough confidence to take a step back, the door slowly but surely began to open, making a bit of creaking noise.

(Y/N)'s mind began to rush at the speed of the sound, the intruder is opening the door, it's going to come towards her, she must think and take actions now! Her best interest is going trough the front door, is risky since she will need to waste some precious seconds to open it, but the back door leads to the back yard, aka dead end so... And jumping through the window should be used as the last resort.

After formulating her little plan, the (h/c) haired female dashes to the front door, not bothering to look at the intruder who by this time completely opened the door. His steps were incredibly heavy but also extremely slow, if he keeps that pace she will manage to escape.

Her hands reached the lock pretty quickly and in less than a second it was open, but when she was about to touch the doorknob a large hand smashed it's palm on the cold wooden surface right above (Y/N)'s head, pressing it and making it impossible to open. The next thing that (Y/N) hears is a heavy breathing behind her, the stranger was right behind her and practically pinning her frame against the front door in the tight corridor. How did this stranger managed to reach her so fast?! He was literally walking!

The time felt like stopping again, (Y/N) had no escape, she was paralyzed with fear. The hand began to slightly scratch the door with it's nails, the intruder seemed to get impatient but her body refused to move, she really didn't want to face her potential murder but... Wait, the knife! She is still holding the knife, maybe if she keeps it as an element of surprise and strikes in the right moment she will be able to escape, she just needs the right moment...

With a shaky sigh (Y/N) began to slowly turn around, careful not to touch the body of the intruder and pressing hers into the door as much as possible. When fully turned, the female's eyes widened, taking in the massive size of the stranger, not only his heigh was intimidating but it was noticiable trough his dark clothing that this man was well build. Wait... That... That height...

—"Yup, and I'm still wondering how the fuck they managed to loose a 6'9 tall man."—

—"Wh-what?! M-Michael is now THIS tall?!"—

No, no no... That's impossible, it can't be him, it can't be Michael. The female refuses to believe that the little blond boy she used to take care of and who barely reached her shoulder managed to grow into this horrifying behemoth of a man.

The intruder says nothing but his breathing slightly shook as soon as he saw her face close. His hand and body looked even more tense, as if this man was holding back some sort of sick desire. (Y/N) was more panicked, was he building up his bloodlust? Putting tension or false sense of security just to strike at her in the most unexpected moment?!

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