"Hard truth and weak hope"

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Coming back to normality was... An experience. Since the moment (Y/N) exit the hospital she was feeling... A bit disappointed and even anxious about the coming future. How are people going to react at her scars? Will her classmates treat her even worse? Will Michael even want to be around her now? What kind of myths will Judith and Steven make about her? These questions kept spinning around the teen's mind, keeping her on edge...

But in the reality, everything went relatively... Okay? Because as soon as she entered her class the next day after her release, her classmates hadn't made a peep towards her, all they did were awkwardly glance at her scars, which made (Y/N) feel extremely uncomfortable and self conscious, she never expected that being stared down at your defects is so... Painfully embarrassing. She just wanted to rip off her face and don't see her reflection ever again.

But the weirdest part of her day was that Judith was nowhere to be seen. It's weird because of the status and popularity the blond teen has she would always stay as the center of attention in her group of friends, now... Her friends were just talking to each other with no Judith's sigh, as if she never existed. The (h/c) haired girl wanted to ask, but the hesitation and anxiety of being insulted and humiliated even more than last time stopped her. Maybe she is overthinking and Judith is home because she got sick? Yeah, that sound like a possible answer and the most logical, she hopes she can see Michael today after school and catch up with him, she's also wondering if he's going to get disgusted by her appearance...

. . .

Think (Y/N)'s day was odd? Well, it was about to get even weirder as soon as she exit her school, seeing Deborah right in front of the school gates.

The woman looked emotionally destroyed judging by the dark circles under her eyes and sad gaze. (Y/N) instantly felt a knot form inside her chest, something bad must've happened... But what?

As soon as the girl got close enough for the blond woman to notice her face, she could see how Deborah's eyes widened and got filled with guilt.

—"Oh my goodness... (Y/N) I-..."— Deborah pauses, clearly fighting her urge to cry.

—"H-Hey it's alright miss! I am perfectly fine, please don't feel bad."— you hurriedly say and instantly take her hand to calm her down. —"I'm not angry, I-I'm actually really really happy to see you. I've missed you, I've missed you and Michael a lot!"—

The girl's voice was soft and warm, she truly missed them and she wasn't mad at Deborah at all, it wasn't her fault that the argument started and took such a violent turn. But (Y/N)'s words seemed to take an opposite effect on the woman, because she instantly wrapped her arms around the teen and let out a silent but shaky sob, she was barely keeping herself together.

Before (Y/N) could even ask, Deborah steps back and offers her hand to the teen.

—"Would you mind if we walk? I'm sure there are things you would like to catch up with."— she gives you a weak smile.

—"Uh... Yeah sure, but-..."— you were about to ask about Michael, but after noticing the pain in her eyes you decided to stay quiet about it. —"N-never mind, just a dumb question."— you smile weakly and take her hand.

Whilst walking away, the teen noticed that some of her classmates and even random people glanced at their direction, their gazes carried different emotions; surprise, confusion, understanding, disgust... What is happening?

. . .

The teen and the woman were now in the Myers residence. Despite Deborah actively insisting that it wasn't necessary to go there, afraid to make (Y/N) uncomfortable and torment her mind with the memories of the incident, the girl still didn't mind going there again, she could see that Deborah needed to be home, her home.

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