"External help"

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It's been around three weeks since the Halloween night and the little plan (Y/N) and Joseph had created.

Living with Michael wasn't all that bad, the female was able to keep things somehow normal and the man never gave her any problems, well unless he decided to annoy her by taking away things and putting them high or keep her pinned down somewhere.

(Y/N) also spent little to no time in the cafe, usually swinging by to say a quick hello and let her friends know she's alright, usually these conversations didn't last too long.

Why? Easy, when Michael was fully healed he began to secretly follow (Y/N) whenever she had to leave, the man is not sure why but the desire and the necessity of seeing her are unbearable, as if she would get starched away from him as soon as he looks away.

At first, the female though it was paranoia, but when she began to see flashes of white and dark blue around the corners she figured out it definitely was real. Her friends noticed it too... Well, Olivia did and it took some time to act natural and don't freak out at the sight of a 6'9 man glaring daggers at her form. Melanie... Well, (Y/N) is not sure if she noticed anything since she didn't seemed concerned ones, or maybe this girl has a great composure. And Joseph straight up kept his distance, well aware about the hate Michael has towards him.

And what about killings? Well... Michael would go out sometimes, ether to 'hunt' or to visit his old home, well it look like it because sometimes instead of blood the man would come back with dust on his clothes.

However... When murders did happen, surprisingly the cases weren't as bad as Joseph supposed, usually the victims would be some random people Michael randomly encountered. But sometimes it would be people, specially drunk teens or middle-age man, who would get way too chatty and close to (Y/N), and Michael really dislikes when someone gets too touchy with something his.

The authorities didn't give a shit about the crimes, shrugging it off and justifying as the victim's fault. 

Judging by how slowly everything was going, (Y/N) supposed that she would have to play house for a bit longer, but, surprisingly... She didn't mind it too much.

. . .

That night was particularly rainy and cold, it was November already after all. Michael wasn't home and (Y/N) returned around half and hour ago.

It was almost dark outside and he female was quite concerned, she's not sure if it's about him being caught or because of the time outside, but this burning inside of her chest didn't disappear no matter how many times she tried to reassure herself that Michael was okay.

A light screech of the back door pulled her out of her thoughts, Michael was home.

However... Her relief didn't last long when she noticed a big red stain on the man's wet coveralls, no it wasn't splattered by a victim, it seemed to be coming from Michael...

—"{Oh... Oh shit.}"— you murmure seriously and quickly rush towards him. —"Uh... Hi, Michael can I take a look at your wound?..."—

The tall man just gives one nod and let's her unzip his coveralls. A gasp left (Y/N)'s mouth, which made Michael tilt his head, why is she so concerned? It's not that bad.

But it is, it IS that bad. There was a large cut on Michael's side, it was deep and fresh, still bleeding quite a lot. Such wound definitely will need some sewing by a professional hand, but (Y/N) is no doctor and has no idea how to treat it correctly! But... She knows someone who does know it.

Shapes of your memory (Michael Myers x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora