"Nothing matters... Just you and me"

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"Around 20 minutes ago."

The situation inside of the police department is... Unnerving. Almost every worker is on edge and every equipment was checked.

It was easy to find the responsible one of changing the tranquilizers applied for interrogation. Now the thing was to find him.

Joseph was being more quiet and serious than usual, he knew what is about to happen and he already imagines that Myers's days... No, hours, inside of (L/N) residence are counted.

The information about 'Myers housing' was already dropped durning their most recent meeting, the plan was being formed. Everything is signing that this story is about to reach it's end.

—"Is Caleb Anderson here?"— the detective asks one of his colleagues, briefly glancing at her.

—"Not yet. One police car went to check inside of his home, he wasn't there... Right now they are checking some places he often visits."—

—"I see... If he's drunk then don't tell him the news yet. Close him in one of the cells and we'll see at morning."—

Both fell in silence, but Joseph's colleague could see that the man was more tense than usual.


—"No, not alright."— he sighs tiredly and leaves the papers at the table. —"The shit-show is about to start. I knew this nonsense will end soon, yet it feels hard to go through it now."—

—"Is it because of miss (L/N)?"—

—"Yes. Mostly because of that."— he lowers his gaze. —"It's impressive how much advances she did with Myers in one month than Loomis in 15 years. If the doctor only gave the boy freedom, anything of this would probably never happened."—

—"Indeed is a disgrace... Tho, is (L/N) aware that we are about to act?"—

Joseph pauses, almost like he's internally battling to find an answer. Eventually he looks up, his gaze even more serious.

—"No, and it should stay that way for now. I'm not proud or happy about keeping her in the oblivion, but I know she won't be able to keep up with a plan, not without staining her conscience with guilt. It's easier and better that way."—

They both fall silent again after that answer. The female wanted to ask something else, but another worker had peaked inside the office.

—"Uh... Joseph?"— he calls for him, his tone urgent.

—"Go ahead Daniel, I'm listening."—

—"I think we already know where is Mr. Anderson..."—

. . .

The tension between both males was suffocating. Michael's imposing figure seemed to do little to no intimidation to the detective. The dark haired man was standing confidently with his gun pointed at Michael, of corse the detective knew his pistol wouldn't be enough to kill someone like Myers, but that's not his goal.

Unknowingly to Michael, Joseph was more frustrated than anything. Their initial plan flopped because of Caleb's intervention.

Initially, the plan consisted in simply corner Myers inside of the (L/N) residence and then take him down, not killing him tho, the authorities seemed to have interest in learning more about such unusual yet dangerous specimen.

But now that plan went straight up to hell because of the indirect sabotage.

—"Let's just get straight to the point."— he tiredly says. —"You have two options; give up and allow us to take you into another sanatorium, or face fire from the police, your choice."—

Shapes of your memory (Michael Myers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now