"A second of joy before the fall"

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—"...Caleb?!"— you almost yell in surprise.

The mentioned male glances at (Y/N)'s masked face, he smiles instantly at her.

—"Ahoy there (Y/N) dear!"—

The red haired male appears to be dressing as Van Helsing, to be completely honest his costume it's not bad despite behind homemade, tho his red hair peaking under the hat made his image look a bit goofy and out of the character.

—"Aah (Y/N), tell me, already made up your mind?"— the owner glances at you with curiosity and expectation.

—"I Uh..."— you inhale and put yourself together. —"Yes, I will play tonight. When do I start?"—

—"Oh that's wonderful! I'm sure everyone is going to adore you!"— she clasps her hands with excitement. —"The concert begins in 20 minutes, for now have some fun."—

And with that the owner leaves (Y/N) and Caleb by themselves, the level of awkwardness that the (h/c) haired female was feeling was inhuman but the male seemed to be completely unaware of it, having his characteristic careless smile.

—"I... Uh... How did you know I will be here?"— you curiously glance at the man.

—"Oh the owner told me! Since yesterday she've been ranting about you playing tonight and I knew I couldn't miss it, I know we agreed to have our 'date' in my place but... Seeing you playing is like a dream coming true!"— he excitedly says the last part.

—"Oh... Does Logan know about this little plan change?"— you ask a bit more anxiously.

—"Of corse he does, he brought me here."— he proudly says. —"And don't worry, I will make sure he doesn't scare you after tonight. Sorry about it, sometimes my bro can be a bit overprotective."—

(Y/N)'s eyes slightly widened at Caleb's slightly mature behavior, where are his terrible and cringe pickup lines? The invasion to her personal space? It's not like she's missing those in any way but... It's so odd to see him act a little bit mature so suddenly, guess he's having a character develop episode or something.

The female didn't even noticed that the minutes had passed and that it was already time to perform. Before going to the backstage she have a quick glance to her two friends for last second support. Olivia lock eyes with her and quickly gave thumbs up with a bright smile, Melanie didn't noticed until the dark haired female gave her a poke with an elbow, giving her a little spook and nearly making her drop the muffin she was eating, when she noticed (Y/N) as well she gave her a cheerful wave with a soft smile.

This tiny interaction made (Y/N) smile, sometimes her friends were too precious for this world. Now she was feeling way better, come on (Y/N), you can do this! Show these people what you're capable of!

. . .

The atmosphere inside of the cafe turned warm, vivid and cheerful, the music was only filling such vibe. (Y/N) had never felt more in peace with herself, her fingers carefully pressing the tiles of the piano, the melody coming from the instrument was perfect and seemed to appeal to most people. Her skill didn't disappoint.

The female had taken off her cardigan and was wearing only her mask and the cloth from underneath, which was a black buttoned shirt and black pants with black boots, with some golden decorations on them, as well as on the belt she had on her waist. Now she understood why Olivia told her to dress fancy underneath.

The fear and the anxiety were long forgotten and were replaced by pure happiness, durning the whole performance, a smile never left (Y/N)'s face, she wanted to cry of joy.

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