"Paranoid shenanigans"

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(Y/N) kept her eyes on the corpse of the dog, too shocked to react or gag even when she smell of blood made it's way to her nose.

The scene looked... Gruesome, it was obvious that whatever attacked the poor animal was some sort of ambush predator because of how little struggle the scene had. The attacker itself appeared to be desperate of hunger, the dog's body was teared up with majority of it's organs lying around the corpse.

—"I..."— Olivia tries to formulate a sentence, but can't because of how many emotions and thoughts were running at ones.

—"...I'll call Joseph, he sure will be able to help and figure out what happened."— you manage to say and grab her arm softly, luring your distressed friend away from the gruesome scene.

. . .

Joseph and one of his colleagues made their way to the scene, the dark haired man was quite happy that (Y/N) called him instead of the cops, knowing damn well that they wouldn't even bother to come and check.

The (h/c) haired female and the detective were in the backyard, whilst his colleague was with Olivia inside her house. The poor black haired girl was still completely destroyed after finding her four-legged friend in such horrific state.

—"So Joseph... Do you think it was some sort of animal?"— you wonder with your arms crossed whilst leaning into the brick wall of the house.

—"Hmmm..."— he hummus thoughtfully. —"I doubt. The attacker had the strength and stealth to end the dog, but not enough knowledge where to strike to do it fast."—

—"What do you mean by that?"—

—"It can't be an animal, usually predators try to injure the neck of their prey. This case is odd because the neck seems to be broken, with no cuts or marks from teeth or claws..."— he keeps inspecting the corpse.

—"So if it's not an animal then, do you think the one responsible is..."— you were about to ask, but pause when a sudden voice rushed trough your mind.

—"Just fucking listen, Michael escaped from Smith's Grove last night!"—

—"...A person?"— your eyes widened after remembering Loomis's words.

The female began to comprehend the doctor's message now that her temper has been cooled down. A wave of mixed feelings crushed inside her chest and mind. Part of her was anxious, concerned, afraid that a dangerous and unstable patient like Michael was roaming somewhere near. But another, smaller and softer part of her, was somehow happy that Michael made his way out of that hell-hole of sanatorium, she heard enough stories about how they treated their patients so it wasn't a big surprise that someone would break out at any convenient opportunity.

But was it truly him...? A more logical part of her mind asked. After all, Smith's Grove Sanatorium it's like a good amount of miles away from Haddonfield! Plus one must be extremely lucky to find their way on a vehicle. And if her memory doesn't fail she remembers that Michael's behavior inside the facility was extremely similar to someone with dementia, and as far as she's concerned these people never manage to go too far, so why Michael would be an exception...?

(Y/N) had to shut her thoughts ones the detective began to speak again.

—"Most likely. Because the cuts on the corpse's belly seem to be done with a sharp object, like a knife. Instead of teeth or claws."— Joseph says with a serious but calm voice and finally steps away from the corpse, taking off the bloodied rubber gloves. —"The body is still a bit warm, so the attack happened not so long ago."—

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