"A bright future ahead"

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The aftermath after (Y/N) recovered her consciousness was a full roller coaster for our poor girl, learning all the events that happened durning her 'autopilot' state was... Something, specially when discovered that the ones who truly threatened her life were people supposed to help or keep the others safe, quite ironic huh?

Her physical recovery was awkward at first, due to the lack of movement for so long her limbs and body in general were kinda wobbly so for the first day it was hard to walk without tripping. At least our big ol' Mikey was there and would gladly carry his (Y/N) around, and even after she got her movement back he would still yoink her up, just to tease her.

(Y/N) of corse would tease him back by pretending to fall asleep in his arms and not letting him go, just like he used to do as a kid. Don't blame her, she can't waste such sweet opportunity to revenge all these times her teen-self had to sit in place not feeling her legs because some lil' 6 y/o bastard wanted more of her attention.

Overall, things didn't change much. After being completely okay (Y/N) returned to her job as a composer for small protects, but now she had Michael by her side, who surprisingly became a pretty good househusband. No seriously, Michael is a ridiculously quick learner and whatever house chore there was he would do it incredibly well.

And what totally made (Y/N) question if she's in real world or in her mind was the fact that Michael would often join her for small walks or trips to the store.

Sure he would cover part of his face with a scarf and hair and keep distances from any stranger or social interaction, but (Y/N)'s hand would remain firmly trapped in his larger one while he gives (not) subtle glares to anyone who dares to look at her for too long.

Though Michael didn't went completely unnoticed in public, I mean that's expected- Try to miss a 6'9 broad tower like Michael. Due to that, some other women would often lay an eye on him, some would even come over and try to boldly flirt!

Such situation were rare though, and would end up with (Y/N) gently grabbing Michael's arm whilst showing the stranger her ring with a smile, sometimes a smug one, on her face and then walking away. Buuuut if the other woman is too pushy... Well.

. . .

—"Aww are you really engaged? Ow come on, there are way better options than this one, sweetheart."— the other significantly younger woman frowns whilst talking to Michael. —"Like, someone who doesn't look like a burned rag?"—

Michael doesn't even look at her but stops dead in his tracks, (Y/N) simply rolls her eyes at the comment and then scoffs.

—"Girl thinks she won in life for being pretty."— you laugh while talking to Michael, not really caring about her comment. —"When do you think she'll get clapped by reality?"—

Unlike her, the woman's comments did bother Michael but he knew exactly what to do to make that other whore go and avoid murdering her in that same moment.

Suddenly he yanks (Y/N) towards himself and slams his lips against hers in a breathtaking kiss. The kiss was shameless, Michael didn't hold back at all and would put all of his passion into it, leaving the (h/c) haired female totally breathless yet content.

And while (Y/N) is processing what just happened, Michael glares coldly at the stranger while holding his girl possessively agains him.

(Y/N) never knew what kind of look Michael would send, but judging by how pale the other woman got and how quickly she cowered away it probably felt like staring into the eyes of the devil, ironic.

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