"The end of Myers tragedy"

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—"A little push will do it then-"—

A sound of doors slamming made the old man flinch as he turns back.

—"Loomis!"— both Olivia and Melanie yell as they rush towards him.

Slightly panicking the man grabs (Y/N) by the collar of her hospital shirt.

—"Don't come any closer or I'll push fucking her!"— he exclaims back, stoping both women on their tracks.

The three of them remain silent for a couple of seconds, too tense to say anything. Eventually Olivia gets enough courage to talk.

—"Why are you doing this, doctor? What did (Y/N) even do?"—

—"What did she do? Oh she've been on my way to get into Michael's mind since the beginning, she's an obstacle that must be removed, not only for the sake of my investigation but also for her own good..."— he glances at your zooned out form. —"Being with him leaded her to end up like this, it's time to put a stop to that constant risk..."—

—"And you think murdering her will actually solve your shit ton of problems?! Can't you just... I dunno, convince her to move out of Haddonfield! Anything but killing her!"—

—"No, that's not enough. Michael won't cooperate if he knows she's out there, he will wait for the right moment to escape and find her... I know he will."—

—"Oh right, and killing (Y/N) will magically turn Michael into a social butterfly."— she scoffs sarcastically. —"I don't know him as good as you do, but even I can tell your plan is bullshit and will lead to your arrest rather than Michael opening up to you."—

—"Oh dear, you have no idea how wrong you are. No one is going to believe you or Melanie, you'll be just a noise in the background for the police, I know that..."— he coldly says as he grips your collar tighter.

Before any of them could say or do something else, the door was slammed open again with such great force that it nearly went flying off it's handles.

Loomis's eyes widened as he sees his patient emerge from behind the door, followed by the ex-detective, and practically charge at him with no hesitation or intentions to stop, only murder in his mind and gaze.

—"Stop there Michael!"— he yells as he shoves you forward leaving you practically at the edge or the roof.

Michael stops dead in his tracks as he locks eyes with Loomis. The large man understood Loomis's intentions, one step and (Y/N) will be dead and he's too far to reach her it time...

Joseph stopped as well, and for the first time in his 7 years of work, he looked truly worried because of how out of control the situation is.

The doctor remains still for a couple of seconds, internally surprised that Michael actually obeyed.

—"Finally, some god damn control over you..."— he says a bit uneasy as if expecting Michael to pull some sort of trick.

The scene remained uncomfortably silent again, everyone too tense to do anything.

However at some point the old man started to pick some confidence, knowing that as long as (Y/N)'s life is at risk Michael will listen to him and will do as said... Though Joseph may be a problem.

—"So the staring contest will last for long or... You'll start to speak, Loomis? What's the plot from here?"— Joseph suddenly speaks, breaking the heavy silence.

Loomis was taken aback for a second because of the random question and the casual tone it was said, however he quickly realizes what the ex-detective is trying to do.

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