"Heard by the evil and dragged away"

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(Y/N) was hugging her arms tightly, desperately trying to push some comfort into her shaky body whilst warm tears were running trough her face under the mask she was wearing. The female was keeping her head down and just walking down the street, paying just enough attention not to run into a pole or into someone, tho the street was completely empty, or so she though...

—"(Y/N) wait!!"—

Olivia's voice resonated somewhere behind her, but the (h/c) haired female payed no attention and only quickened her pace, not wanting to have any interaction with her friend right now.


Her voice yelled her name again whilst footsteps were coming closer, with a frustrated groan the female finally turns back and faces her two friends, Olivia and Melanie.

—"Fucking what?!"— you exclaim.

Her sudden yell made her both friends slightly flinch. Olivia's face expressed surprise but also a lot of concern and regret, Melanie's... Well, she wasn't as shocked as the dark haired girl, she had a more understanding gaze.

—"I uh... Are you-"— Olivia tries to speak.

—"What?! 'Okay'?! Yeah I'm fucking fantastic! As always whenever I manage to prove myself just a little bit I get instantly pushed away into dirt as soon as my face is revealed!"— you yell in frustration.

—"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know people w-would react like that! Everyone seemed to enjoy your performance so much that I thought-"—

—"I thought many things too, but I know better than anyone how this story goes."— you growl irritated, the pain in your chest growing. —"You know shit about how it feels like Olivia, so stop trying to cheer me up and feed up my hopes with this bullshit."—

—"H-hey it's not my fault the owner was an ass! And Caleb? I was just trying to get your mask back!"— she exclaims back at you, frowning a bit. —"You could at least say thank you for trying..."—

—"Oh yeah...? Well thank you for almost starting a fucking fight with a drunk brainless dumbass. Thank you for letting your fucking teenager temper get the best of you. Thank you for letting me know how much you understand about what it feels like to be an atrocity to society no matter how hard you try to be better!"—

With every sentence (Y/N)'s voice broke more and more into sobs, she just couldn't keep it up anymore, she needed to let out all of this pain that had been building up inside of her for the years, and her friends were the unfortunate souls who had to witness it.

After finishing her little temper tantrum, the female ones again hugs herself and lowers her gaze, doing her best to calm herself down and keep it together. Tho due her shaken state she wasn't doing the best job.

—"If you want to help for real Olivia, go and get my cardigan from that cafe..."— you huff under your breath.

Olivia wanted to keep 'arguing', but Melanie quickly grabbed the other female by her wrist.

—"We'll see you in a moment in my home, please be safe."— Melanie calmly says, but her tone was slightly softer than usually.

(Y/N) doesn't reply, just gives a barely noticiable nod and turns around to quickly walk away down the street, she really needed some space right now.

. . .

She've been walking for while, wanting nothing more but to get back to Melanie's home and just... Hide. Like she always did, hide the burn marks on her body that remind her every day about how and why she has them... It's a painful joke, doing something good and saving someone's life just to get treated like nothing... No wonder there is little to no kindness in the world.

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