"Unhinged deal"

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The two males were staring at each other with inhuman intensity, the air in the room was so thick that one could probably cut it if tried.

Joseph didn't dare to make a move yet, considering all of his options and their outcomes. The dark haired man knew that despite Michael being chained and restrained with the straight jacket he could still do great damage if he's close enough. Michael is smarter than people give credit and he is well aware of his capacities.

After some thinking, Joseph sighs.

—"Let me ask you something."—

No reaction from Michael.

—"Is Logan planing to kill (Y/N)?"—

No answer.

—"Myers. I know we didn't had the best of interactions but now it's not about us, it's about (Y/N) and her safety. She is alive but I need to know if this is an emergency or no, because depending on your answer I will act faster or not."— he calmly yet firmly says. —"Is Logan planing to kill (Y/N)?"— he asks again.

Michael remains still for a while, his stubbornness strong but... Eventually, he gives Joseph an answer, a simple barely noticiable nod.

Such gesture was more than enough for Joseph to decide his next actions.

—"Okay... In that case, let's make a deal."— he locks eyes with Michael. —"We don't have time to fight for that key, and I won't even bother to attempt to wrestle with you because I'm clearly on the loser side. If we want to save (Y/N) we'll have to work together. I won't ask you to be my friend or talk to me or any shit like this, all I expect from you it's cooperation and no attempts to murder me, in return I'll do the same and will make sure the authorities don't get you."—

No response, however, if one looks closely one could see a glint of disgust in Michael's eyes.

—"Myers, as I said it's not about us, it's about (Y/N), your (Y/N). I know you want to keep her safe just as badly, and I have no doubt you can do it, but without my help it will be hard and you won't get there in time... So, if you accept, I'm going to free you from your restrains and you give me the key... Deal?"—

This was a tough decision. Outside Michael had no changes but inside he was having quite a battle, his pride and stubbornness, as well as bits of pettiness towards the detective, wanted to refuse or kill the other man as soon as he gets the chance. But his other, more logical part knew that it was in his best interest to accept the offer and cooperate if he wants to avoid unnecessary murders and confrontations, in any other circumstances it wouldn't be a big deal, but now when he has the chance to save the one and only dear person in his wretched life... Yeah, there is not much of an option.

Ones his mind was made, he gives a nod, one single nod.

Joseph silently sighs and comes closer with the army knife in hand.

—"I'll carefully cut the leather belts, okay? Don't move."—

The atmosphere turned even denser the closer Joseph got, both males were glaring at each other as if expecting the other to jump and attack at any moment.

Nevertheless Joseph did as promised and in less than a minute Michael was free of his restrains, as well from his straight jacket, being only left with the collar and the muzzle.

—"Alright... Now the collar."—

Joseph then changes the blade on the knife and comes even closer. The dark haired man was visibly nervous and swearing cold, knowing that now he's more at risk than ever since Michael's arms were free... Surprisingly, Michael managed to contain his inhuman desire to strangle and destroy Joseph, he just simply stood there and allowed the man break the lock.

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