"Unhappy Halloween"

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It was Friday, Halloween finally arrived, it is common for kids to get excited over this holiday, having the opportunity to dress up as different monsters and get candy for it. It would be extremely exciting for Michael, but not this year...

It's been days since the Saturday incident, the night Ronnie threw a hot pan with burning oil at (Y/N). Of course it was an 'accident' since the man was aiming at the blond boy, but this fact didn't make it any less horrible.

Durning these days Michael wasn't the same, he barely spoke or reacted to anyone or anything, all he did was go to school, go to (L/N) residence to see if any of (Y/N)'s family members were there to ask how she's doing and then come back home and sit in his room for the rest of the day until his mother finally arrives, holding the knitted sweater jacket closely and tightly, jacket that the girl forgot in his room.

Michael's state was depressing to say the least, guilt was eating him alive. It was his fault, all of this was his fault only! If he just listened to (Y/N) and went to his room with her, she... She wouldn't get hurt, she wouldn't take the hit... If he just acted mature he would prevented it and they both would enjoy Halloween together.

The boy hugs the jacket tighter after remembering (Y/N) after the impact. Her body rigid and stiff, trying to cope with the sudden wave of pain, the gaze lost somewhere... He remembers how desperately he was holding her hands, trying to get any reaction from the teen but she seemed to barely process what was going on... From the second she fell to the floor, to the moment she was taken away to the hospital Michael felt an emotion he hadn't, fear. Fear to lose the one and only special person he had, someone who loved and cared for his as much as his mother did... Oh god, please get better soon (Y/N)...

—"Okay fuck-face, go get candy or some shit."—

Judith's voice interrupted Michael's train of thoughts, the boy slowly and unwillingly sits on his bed, still holding the knitted jacket.

—"I'm not going anywhere, mom said we will be able to visit (Y/N) tonight, and I am waiting for her."— he stubbornly huffs.

—"Ugh for god's sake Michael, do you really think anyone from her family is going to let mom or you see her?"— Judith rolls her eyes with annoyance.

—"Why not? I already met her aunt plenty of times and she always was kind to me, even after the accident she is still nice."—

—"Are you blind? She is obviously faking it to get rid of you 'nicely'. Only freaks like (Y/N) will accept you."—

—"...Why are you still so mad at (Y/N)? She never did any wrong to you, she helped you with your shitty homework and your failing grades. Why can't you listen to mom and be grateful for ones?!"— he begins to raise his voice, getting pissed by his sister's behavior.

—"Grateful?! For what?! Her hooking up with my boyfriend and using me to befriend you?!"— she exclaims back at him.

—"You are the blind one! Steven is clearly lying and just trying to come out as innocent from the shit-show he caused!"—

—"Aw little Mikey boy is defending his old-ass bitchy girlfriend? That's so sweet."— she hisses venomously at him. —"Well too bad because there is no way you are going to see her today, because mom said she will work some extra hours."—

—"You're lying! She promised we would see (Y/N)!"— he stubbornly exclaims.

—"Am I? Then tell me why is mom still not home yet? Huh? It's already sunset and as far as I'm concerned the hospital allowed visitors till' 9 pm. And it seems like you two won't make it in time~."— she smoothly replies with a smirk. —"So now go and do something better then just hug and touch yourself with this hideous piece of cloth."—

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