"Gruesomely wholesome reunion"

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A low groan escapes (Y/N)'s lips, her head spinning and her throat slightly sore and dry, did she cry til' falling asleep? When did she even get home? Or what home she's even in? Her or Melanie's?

Suddenly the memories of her encounter announced themselves, her eyes fluttering open and her body jolting to quickly stand up. The rapid movement of her still sleepy and dizzy body made the female stumble a bit, forcing her to lean in the wall behind her. As the female leans back, she feels something cold and hard pressing behind, glancing down she's greeted with a huge tombstone.

A spine chill runs trough her form when she realizes that she was laying right in front of the piece of stone. Was that some sort of subliminal message? Is the universe trying to tell her something again? Is... Is Michael actually planning to murder her?!

Fear invaded (Y/N)'s body and she frantically began to look around, studying her surroundings and looking for a possible way to escape. She seems to be in a really old basement, is she... Is she in the Myers residence? She can't tell since there are not enough memories of Michael's house left in her mind, and she doesn't remember going anywhere beside the boy's and Judith's rooms, living room and kitchen.

(Y/N) finally decides to take a step forward to get a better look around, she notices a staircase that most likely lead outside the basement. She carefully walks towards it, doing her best to make as little noise as possible. At the very top she sees the exit, it's unclear if is open or locked, but come on, things can't be that easy, can they? The female knows well that life is a bitch and as soon as she touches the exit Michael will suddenly materialize in front of her or something... But staying here it's not an option neither.

The female was about to start rummaging around for a weapon when a loud bang resonated somewhere upstairs followed by slow and heavy footsteps. Oh no, NO. He is here. MICHAEL is here to finally kill her.

Fear turns into panic, the female frantically tries to seek for a quick escape but unfortunately there is nothing, the only way out is the staircase, the one that is currently being blocked by Michael's massive form.

Then the man's body shows at the bottom of the stairs as he enters the basement, (Y/N) is already backing away as much as she can, her mind is panicking and her body is frozen. The little part of consciousness is demanding her to stop whining and keep it together, she can't allow herself to have another meltdown or a panic attack, keeping her mind clear is crucial for her survival right now, even if the chances are as non existent as her mother's presence in her life.

The world seems to stop when they both lock eyes and the rooms goes completely silent, the only thing (Y/N) can hear is her own rapid heartbeat and Michael's deep breathing. Despite the tension and fear, the female can't help but feel bad for the man in front of her.

Deep sadness flowers inside of her chest by the image of Michael. He is no longer the little sunshine he was years ago, a sweet person full of dreams and plans for the future... Now he's nothing but a cold blooded murder that wants to inflict pain and suffering for his own sadistic pleasure. (Y/N) didn't even noticed that tears were running down her cheeks again... She failed Deborah, she failed Michael... She wasn't there to help, to support him... She didn't try hard enough...

—"...Michael."— you murmure.

Her tiny and shaky voice made the tall man stop in his tracks instantly, almost as if he was shocked to hear her. It's hard to tell what is going inside Michael's mind since his body language is unreadable and the terrifying emotionless mask doesn't make it any better.

(Y/N) let's out a deep sigh, collecting as much bravery as she can to keep talking, maybe it's not the best or smartest idea to speak to your potential murder, but what does she have to lose?

Shapes of your memory (Michael Myers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now