Chapter 9 - Friday

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      Friday. How I waited for this day! The week passed relatively quickly, with some not-so-pleasant school events, such as the initial chemistry test - my "favorite" subject - which Nevin knew absolutely nothing about, so by extension we couldn't help each other. I remember everything as if it happened five minutes ago: the calm atmosphere, the teacher's smile when she entered the classroom, and then the distribution of test papers to the students. She didn't even present herself! Harlyn and Raine were shocked and my desk mate was cursing under his breath. I wasn't agitated, because the grades from the initial tests are not usually noted into the catalog, and the test was a grid, not that I would have relied on my abilities to find the right answer, because they are non-existent. Anyway, I remembered something about chemical reactions, and I can't forget the symbols of the chemical elements, so the grade is at least a passing one, even if I will most likely choose not to put it in the catalog. However, this test experience from the first hour of the school year, without even a greeting, was definitely traumatic.

      A ball flies past my head, waking me from my reverie. What the hell? I look around, then remember I'm in gym class. Brilliant.

      The teacher still doesn't show any signs of being around the room, so the students are messing around, which I've always disliked. I don't want to wake up with a bump on my head just because of the inattention of some colleagues. Most of the girls sit on the benches, discussing their outfits, praising each other, showing superficiality, others jumping on a rope in a corner, eager for the teacher to notice them and give them an extra point on their future grade, for that no one does sports on their own initiative, at least not during this class. The boys are playing basketball, making a lot of noise, which, to be honest, I kind of dislike, because I really want the weekend to come, to feel free, and I don't want my head to explode by the time this class is over. Nevin sits next to me, the only male person not participating in the frantic game of tossing the ball into the basket, which he himself has admitted to detesting. I suppose this is also the reason why we get along so well: we don't fully adapt and we don't force it either, just go on our own pace. The blond stares blankly, his face bored and melancholic. I wonder when he'll get over the whole charade with Harlyn.

      "Why don't you play with them too?" I ask him, wanting him to prove the validity of my theory.

He opens his mouth to answer, but something stops him. Someone actually, and that person is Zayden, as he comes determinedly towards us. He wears a short-sleeved red t-shirt, despite the other boys wearing tank tops. Absolutely everyone except him. A few girls look back, watching him with interest as he approaches us, and I wonder if they're actually believing what's circulating about his sexuality. I know that what most people think is a lie, but I wonder how many of them know this and especially how many are disappointed by this "sad" news. Obviously, that doesn't stop them from scrutinizing him from head to toe like predators, and I have to admit I get it. He doesn't look bad at all, his arms aren't like two spaghetti, neither his legs, and I can't talk about his abs yet. Why did I just think of that? Also, his eyelashes are extremely long compared to any other girl, perfectly highlighting his beautiful brown eyes. Anyway, looks are not enough in any kind of relationship, at least not in the relationships I build with other people. I have absolutely no need for fake friends, not after the unfortunate incident with Jia that scarred me forever.

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