Chapter 37 - Everything ends well

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      I shrug, trying to appear as impassive as possible, but inside, I'm anything but calm. My palms are sweating rivers, and my first instinct is to fidget with the edges of my shirt. Innocent, on the other hand, looks exactly how I wish I felt. Nonchalant, as if it's not a big deal. I know my fear is unwarranted because in life, we're destined to face failures as well, but that doesn't stop me from being hesitant and wanting to avoid such situations as much as possible. Even the fact that Jane is part of the committee doesn't reassure me, although she assured me that I have no reason to worry.

     "No," I reply simply.

      "I'll tell you everything when I get back," Nevin informs me, then opens the door and disappears.

      With trembling hands, I check my messages, and Zayden's simple good luck wish brings a smile to my face and helps calm the storm swirling within me. Faced with the inevitable, I can't help but wonder why I consented to willingly subject myself to these feelings when I could have easily avoided this situation and been in the dorm room, wrapped in my blanket, with Harlyn's laptop in my arms, watching a movie. I would have made my life easier, but I have a tendency to complicate things. I can't even allow myself to leave right at this moment, as I would probably make even more of a fool of myself if I disappeared than if I messed up during the interview.

      Apparently, the organizing committee takes care to change the questions every semester, so you can't already be prepared with answers from the previous months. From what I understand, the range of questions isn't very diverse for each interview, precisely to avoid running out of ideas in the following years. However, each candidate is expected to speak for about five minutes on each topic, of course, portraying themselves in a positive light and making a suitable impression, using the right words. Of course, the interview process is similar within a single semester's selection, but since all the interviews happen within a few hours, you can't prepare a full-blown speech. Harlyn has also applied, but apart from her, Nevin and I don't know anyone else, so we couldn't obtain any questions. Unfortunately, she went in before Nevin and hasn't come out yet, so she's probably talking a lot, and I can't tell if that's good or bad.

      I still don't understand Harlyn's sudden decision to apply as well. She's probably trying to distance herself from all the hate she receives from people who aren't her friends and redirect her anger in a different direction. If I had known earlier, Nevin wouldn't have applied because the only reasons he's running for a position in the committee are me, my fears, and my paranoia. I appreciate his gesture immensely, but I feel guilty because I know he has no interest in school-related activities, except for the ones that help him skip classes, and occupying a spot in a school club doesn't fulfill that desire for him.

      "OK, so."

      I startle, almost hitting the wall. I turn to my left and come across Nevin, and I furrow my brow at him.

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