Chapter 21 - Attention world! He's smiling

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      "Raine!" I call out to the brunette, managing to get her to stop before she gets lost in the crowd

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      "Raine!" I call out to the brunette, managing to get her to stop before she gets lost in the crowd.

      She stops suddenly and looks at me confused and impatient, meaning she wants me to say sooner why I summoned her. Well, I'm not entirely sure, but if I'm not mistaken, I can take up all her day if I need to. One of my hidden talents is to ramble on for minutes, which gives me an advantage in school essays. Now that I've got her attention, I start rambling:

      "Look, Raine, we have to do something. Harlyn is insufferable, and I can't stand watching her destroy herself, especially for such a stupid reason as a boy she's had a crush on for less than three weeks!" I say with unimaginable speed, then pause to inhale and exhale deeply. "She seems more affected by the breakup with Michael than the abuse," I add, then realize I've come across as insensitive.

      "Do you think I like all of this?" she snaps, managing to scare me to some extent. "I stopped trying since she insulted me horribly. She can't afford to speak to me the way she did and I to endure. I'm not you!"

      I remain shocked, the hands that were outstretched in front falling by my body. I feel disappointed that she just said what she thought in my face, in a fit of rage, without taking back her words afterwards. Raine is normally a very calm person who hardly loses her temper, but this time I seem to have managed to get her off her feet so that I now feel like a small, helpless object being scanned by her gaze scrutinizing and relentless, trying to make me disappear, as if she had laser beams in her eyes. She also never gave me the impression of a critical person, but it seems I was wrong. More and more people are revealing their true colors these days.

      Swallowing hard, I dig deep for courage, finding it just as she turns her back to leave. If she's still uncooperative, there's no point in boring her with my pleas, so I turn to an equally urgent but less important matter.

      "But what can you say about the discussion with Nevin?" I question her, arms crossed, hoping to sound confident and even scary.

      I had to bring this up and it seems to have worked as I got her attention back. She turns around, looking confused, disoriented. She doesn't understand what I mean. Or she's a very good actress.

      "It was brought to my attention that you two had a heated conversation, with the mention that you looked like a couple. Since Nevin doesn't give me any clarification, I thought I'd ask you, hoping that at least you'll still be my friend."

      Her mouth moves in a strange, almost imperceptible way, as if she is chewing her tongue, which is very likely. If the situation wasn't so tense, we'd both be laughing at my unnatural posture and my failed attempt to appear fierce.

      "Who told you?" she asks cautiously, glancing around.

      I throw my hands in the air, hissing in frustration. Is it so hard to give me an explanation? I wish I could understand the situation, as Nevin is clearly not over Harlyn and the idea of him trying something with Raine to get the blonde to forget doesn't sound so impossible. All my beliefs have been shaken lately, nothing seems to be what it once was. I think I have a right to know, and them keeping secret something that is already known, just proves that they don't have the strength to admit a totally wrong thing that may be happening. Friends, in my opinion, should not keep such things a secret that could affect their relationship, especially when word spreads so quickly.

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