Chapter 19 - Behavioural changes

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      "I want you to stay at my house in the winter holiday

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      "I want you to stay at my house in the winter holiday."

      I turn to Nevin, glaring at him. It's at least six weeks until Christmas vacation, and instead of doing his history project, he's thinking about things that are so far away. The tests period immediately begins, where you can easily read the despair on the faces of the professors when they look in the catalog and notice the lack of grades. I don't understand why we end up worrying about grades only in December because of the impossibility of ending the midterms. No matter how hard you push the teachers, they always think there's still plenty of time until the end of the semester, then they wake up two weeks before the end of it and overwhelm us with tests, projects and so on, sometimes even all of them at the same time. Nevin has much more important things to focus on instead of dreaming about the holiday.

      "I understand you like long-term plans, but there are a lot of other variables you should consider before you get to the holidays," I explain, gesturing with my hands for him to take me seriously, because otherwise he doesn't even listen.

      Especially with how careless he tends to be when it comes to school. Sometimes I worry about his grades because I feel like he's on the verge of failing at least one subject. Although I always warn him two or three days before the tests, he hardly ever studies for them, but ends up begging me to explain the exercises to him during breaks. I hate this shallow side of him, but it's not like I have a choice. I have to accept him as he is.

      "No more math!" he snorts, picking up the pen and starting to scribble something on one of the many notebooks lying on the bed.

      I keep flipping through my book, remembering that I haven't had time to read anything for several days. Nothing that's unrelated to school. I stagnated, but not necessarily for lack of time, but rather for lack of interest, because nothing particularly caught my attention. However, as fate would have it, I'm the kind of person who can't start a thing unless I've finished the previous one, so I try to keep my eyes open and make out something from the words that seem to blend into each other, making my mission to understand the story an impossible one. I'm struggling to finish this boring book to tackle the long list ahead of me, but I anticipate I'll just give up and read nothing more.

      The word "friends" catches my attention, so thoughts of Raine and Harlyn fill my mind. There have been quarrels between us before, but we have never been put in such a tangled situation. Harlyn is acting like a "bad girl", bright colors have completely disappeared from her wardrobe, while Raine is tired of trying to convince her that she and I are not to blame for what happened to her. She got desperate pretty quickly, and now she's just given up, saying there's no way we're going to convince her to go back to being the old Harlyn. Harlyn refuses to talk to me, blaming me for the fact that she and Michael are no longer a couple, and he won't even talk to her anymore, even though I've begged him repeatedly to give her another chance. The moments when the three of us are in the room become tense, as none of us speak, and rarely does one of Raine and I's phone ring, drawing murderous looks from the blonde.

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