Chapter 43 - Why does my opinion matter?

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      The week passed like a lightning, so it's already Friday

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      The week passed like a lightning, so it's already Friday. Nevin refuses to utter Harlyn's name outside the moments when she is present, which frustrates me because it's clear that something happened after Hale's day. Raine has her own problems, though I don't know what they are, but it's clear that her mind is often elsewhere, and I'm too embarrassed to talk to Harlyn about this issue because I've never approached her on it; usually, Nevin is the one I bother with it.

      I haven't had the chance to see Zayden privately anymore; he's been quite busy with the theater club, preparing for a new show. Our only interactions have been during sports class, exchanging glances in the hallway, and sometimes sitting at the same table in the cafeteria, although he doesn't eat more than one meal per day there. Our interactions have been minimal, and as time goes by, I get used to it more, but at the same time, I feel more saddened each time. Why did I have to develop feelings for a boy with such a complicated past, closely linked to my roommate?

       After learning about the trip, information about it started spreading everywhere, even among the teachers. I saw only enthusiastic students, and some drew parallels with the beginning-of-the-school-year trip that ended before I arrived at the boarding school. Both of these are similar in terms of organization with coordinators, although the autumn one is a new addition. It seems that it won't be long before Lance becomes one. Our form teacher presented the material and geographical aspects. The amount of money we pay includes all meals, accommodation, and transportation, but not the cost of the tourist attractions we might visit, as it's up to each individual to decide if they will participate, which will be decided on the spot, not in advance. I'll have to call my parents soon because I need their electronic confirmation regarding approval to go on this trip, and I'm not the type to forge such documents, unlike Lance. "They don't have time for this; they'll let me go anyway" is his argument.

      "Do you want to come and see what we've done with the robotics club?" Raine asks us, and I furrow my brow.

      The robotics club...?

      "Yes! We're coming," Nevin beats me to it, displaying a bright and wide smile that counters my confusion.

      Raine leaves happily, and I turn to my blond friend, progressively more puzzled.

      "Since when is he in the robotics club?"

      And why does he know, and I don't?

      Now it's his turn to mirror my expression. We step aside from the door, as we were blocking the exit.

      "I think it's been two weeks," he says. "But you were at the table when she told us. You were the only one who didn't congratulate her."

      My face drops. When was that? I don't remember. I've sat at the table with Raine many times lately, but it doesn't ring a bell at all. The fact that I didn't offer any congratulations indicates that I was lost in my own world, as often happens when I sink into my thoughts. I don't hear or feel anything around me; it's just me and my thoughts. As usual, I chose the worst moment to be inattentive.

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