Chapter 25 - Discoveries

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      I am truly devastated

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      I am truly devastated. Because of Raine's not so wonderful school situation, she is forced to continue her studies in her home village, to be under the supervision of her mother, a woman with a rather backward mentality, I might say. I believe that grades are important only in the context of a possible scholarship, because otherwise they are only relevant for praise, in no case do they constitute the level of intelligence. I shouldn't have any pretensions from her mother's generation as I have noted that this is their generic mentality. What surprised me the most is that this whole time our friend lied to us and made us believe that she wanted high grades, not that it was her mother's wish.

      From the moment Raine said the word "I'm leaving" something broke inside me, and along the way I understood that my sense of anticipation hadn't deceived me. My subconscious was whispering alarming words, which were harder to assimilate and less believable, but which came true when she enlightened me and Harlyn. I was keeping my fingers crossed that her move wasn't a foregone conclusion, but there was no going back. Our friend had known for some time about her mother's displeasure, who had threatened to not let her finish the year in New York, which is why Raine became more withdrawn, more distant from us. When I think about it now, her behavior is justifiable because, in her shoes, I would have done the same. It wouldn't be easy for anyone to leave a place that had been almost like home for a while, especially since that would also mean being several tens of kilometers away from the people they had considered so close that they could call them family. Sometimes even a few weeks are enough to start having feelings of affection for a person, and leaving them will always be painful, remorse will immediately appear.

      As hard as I try, my voice cannot be heard in the oppressive silence. Although my lips are parted, the words refuse to come out. Harlyn is as speechless as I am, possessing a figure similar to mine. Her hair isn't flawless, but this time she doesn't care about how it looks. Her hands clasped in her lap seem to be shaking, and her gaze is fixed on Raine's wall full of posters. She stared blankly. Raine packs her clothes, ignoring the numbness that has engulfed me and the blonde. The slow pace in which she moves and her lost eyes indicate to me that she is also not far from entering this state of reverie that characterizes me at the moment. I rub my fingers, thinking of a possibility that this sharp pain in my chest will go away, but I doubt it. It's never just play when there's an adult involved.

      "Don't bother. My mother is no joke," Raine says, smiling bitterly.

      She sighs, sitting down completely on the floor in despair. She wraps her arms around her legs, hiding her head between them. I can understand how hard it must be for her, especially since I too suffer from her leaving us, to be the one to go and leave the world behind must be much more painful. Honestly, I don't want to imagine what it would be like to leave myself. My parents are quick and fickle, so it wouldn't be impossible for them to come up with such an idea, but unlike Raine's family, mine doesn't want me or Hale around.

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