Chapter 22 - Chase just like in the textbook

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      Now that Harlyn is no longer treating us like we did something very wrong to her, the waters have calmed

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      Now that Harlyn is no longer treating us like we did something very wrong to her, the waters have calmed. She's not completely back to her old self, but the resemblance is easily noticed. She's no longer pushing us aside, she's sharing her worries with us, but there's still something left of dark Harlyn. The precaution. She herself said that she would not fully return to the way she was before, because it was easy to end up hurt, words that I resonate with on a spiritual level. She wants to be stronger, and I respect her for her ambition, and I also consider this transformation to be an evolution for the better, although the road was a bit difficult, but, fortunately, not for a long time.

      Raine, on the other hand, is a bit distant, and although I tried a few times to talk openly with her about the change in direction, I couldn't get more than two words out of her, both about how school is screwing her up. I want to understand her better and help her if it's in my power, but if I don't know the cause of her problems, my hands are tied. I can't guess. I don't believe that her subsequent behavior is solely due to school, by extension her demanding mother who expects top grades, although now that I think about it, she lied to me earlier when she told me that her mom doesn't scold her and that she only wants to make her proud. I won't confront her, as that would only cause her to close up even more. At best, I'll find myself a plausible reason why it was necessary to sell me a lie.

      "I'm so happy that the holiday is here, I couldn't wait any longer!"

      Lance takes a seat next to me, giving me a beaming smile. I shift my position so I can look at him. I smile at him in return, but weakly, still not fully paying attention to him, my thoughts tending to fly towards my two girl friends. I don't know why I expected everything to remain intact as it was at the beginning, over time relationships of any kind erode due to external and internal factors. I only hoped that we would be as happy and close at least for these four years... I had no hope that we would have contact with each other in university, because we would most likely go down completely different paths, given our different interests and perspectives.

      "Earth to Aloy!" he calls, waving his hand in front of me.

      "Ay, Captain!" I reply, making that soldier sign that Lance loves.

      He laughs, copying my gesture. The atmosphere is so boring lately that the days go by without feeling like I've done anything special. It used to be different. I had Nevin, whom I saw from the moment I opened my eyes until I went to bed, I had the girls to cheer me up all day, and now... I can't believe how things have turned out either, which is worrying considering I watch a lot of drama series. It's a sign. I haven't watched enough! Although the TV Time app that counts the number of days spent watching shows says otherwise...

      "What's going on with Nevin?" I ask, remembering that this is the reason I came to the boys' room, otherwise I wouldn't have set foot here without the girls' persuasion.

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