Chapter 38 - Valentine's Day

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      "Do you think we'll find the answers today?" Nevin asks, leaning against my closet

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      "Do you think we'll find the answers today?" Nevin asks, leaning against my closet.

      I shrug, still upset about the topic.

      "I hope not," he replied honestly.

      It had been a few days since the interview, but she hadn't received any news yet. Every day, they checked the notice board by the entrance at school, once when they arrived, and once when they left. The only announcement from the organizing committee was about the Valentine's Day event, which was in full preparation. The school was adorned with red and white heart-shaped garlands, cardboard panels depicting boxes of chocolates or flowers, and floral arrangements that gave it an expensive look. It seemed like they had some budget for it. 

     "I forgot!" Nevin exclaims, desperate, grabbing his head.

      I raise an eyebrow, radiating confusion.

      "The gift for Harlyn!"

      "You still haven't given up?" I respond, now appearing exasperated.

      He had mumbled something about a gift a few days ago, but I didn't take it seriously, as I usually do. Nevin isn't the type of person who sticks to his word or is very serious. Often, he just throws words around.

      Nevin looks at me offended, but he didn't reply.

      "I'm going to get it," he announces, leaving the school.

      I examine the enormous box in the middle of the corridor, meant for Valentine's Day gifts and letters. Today was the only day when such tokens of affection could be left, as tomorrow will be the actual big day when, from what I understood, someone from the Committee would distribute them in each class.

      "Did you come to leave something for your sweetheart, Nevin?"

      There's no need for me to turn around because I know exactly whose voice it is. Even if I hadn't recognized my brother's vocal cords, I would have known after what came out of his mouth. I don't know if he's just that stubborn and doesn't want to understand that we're not together, or if he just enjoys teasing me, knowing that his assumptions irritate me.

      "For the thousandth time, Nevin is not my boyfriend," I mutter, turning one hundred and eighty degrees to look him directly in the eyes.

      Hale laughs mockingly.

      "I know, I'm just teasing you," he admits, proving to me that option two was correct. "Not even you would stoop to his level."

      "What do you mean?"

      I had a vague suspicion that Hale didn't necessarily believe what he was saying but was just making conversation out of boredom. Hale walks away slowly, but kept casting glances back, as if he wanted me to follow, which I do because I have no intention of ending the conversation there.

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