Chapter 12 - Nevin is the best

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      I knock on the boys' room door, the second time already

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      I knock on the boys' room door, the second time already. The girls sent me as a messenger to ask them if they wanted to come bowling, and I accepted after they promised me an oreo chocolate or I wouldn't have done the work for no reward. I went bowling twice when my mom forced Hale to hang out with me when neither of us had keys and nobody was home. Honestly, it wasn't an unpleasant experience, even though I was standing at a distance from my brother and his friends, watching him have fun. I only dared to throw the bowling ball down the lane when they were at the bar and no one was looking at me, but I didn't do too well.

      It's Luke who opens the door for me, inviting me in, then he immediately goes back to reading. Lance greets me happily, nodding excitedly as he listens to music, Hale keeps his eyes on his phone, and Nevin I guess is in the bathroom because the light is on.

      "Did a hurricane happen here?" I ask, noticing the mess and holding back a laugh.

      A lot of clothes are thrown in piles on the floor, the curtains are drawn, plunging the room into darkness, and the doors of one of the closets are opened wide, revealing T-shirts and pants hanging on the shelves. Not to mention the unwrapped snacks from Nevin's bed, which were scattered over most of the bed, or the socks hanging from the lamp. If Harlyn were here, she would wrinkle her nose.

      "Yes. Hurricane Lance," Luke says, glaring at Lance.

      He shrugs, not seeming in a hurry to put things in order, but rather comfortable in the debacle of his own making. Some better find their things in disarray because that is their personal order. But that doesn't change the fact that health can be affected by litter. I don't understand how out of five people, not one seems to be bothered by the lack of organization. There are three of us in our room, me, Harlyn, and Raine, and yet none of us would allow ourselves to end up living in squalor with little floor space to step on. However, the other room seems much more organized, completely opposite to the one we are currently in. From what I understand, the three beds here belong to Nevin, Luke, and Lance, while the tidier room is owned by Zayden and Hale. Hale is not a very disciplined person, but in the home room, everything was in its place.

      "Well, I came here to invite you to bowling, not to admire your cleanliness."

      Nevin comes out of the bathroom, only in his underwear, and I instinctively turn my head to the opposite side, because I would not like to be haunted by this image at night in my nightmares. If it was Harlyn instead of me, the blond would have walked right back in, embarrassed, cheeks burning, worried about her opinion of him, but since I'm Aloy, his best friend, Nevin didn't hesitate for a minute to grin, glad he managed to make me feel stupid. What a friend I have....

      "And definitely not to see Nevin in unicorn boxers," I add, covering my vision with my hands, hoping Nevin's gone.

      "I'm going!" I hear the blond say from the bathroom, then he starts shaving his non-existent beard.

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