Sleep Tight..♡ Jumbo Josh x Slime (OC!) Fluff❗

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Notes 🖇 : First off, This OC is not mine!! This OC belongs to tvlipflwerz But at the moment I'm making my own OC that maybe I'll post here lol. But fun fact, This is the first oneshot that is shipped with Jumbo Josh lol. Anyways I  really hope you guys enjoy this one!

Mascot or Human? : Mascot

Warnings ⚠️ : None!


Jumbo Josh POV

I was with Banbaleena and Opila Bird in Opila's playarea with the children while Slime was in the creavity room with the other children, They were playing a hide and seek, I've been counting the rounds they've been playing and it's been 3, Meaning they have 2 more rounds then they are done with their game. Slime is someone who's important to me, He's my partner. Not in a friendship way, No in a lovers way. It feels amazing to have a lover of my own. He's so nice and gentle to me like how he is to everyone else. Sure he's shy but he loves being around me and the children, It's what he likes to do, Make the children happy, It is his job after all. I got caught out of my thoughts and see Banbaleena snap her fingers infront of me "Josh hey! Wake up we're done for the day!" Banbaleena says as she walks away from me and runs over to Banban and falls into his arms as she giggles and laughs as Banban grabs her bridal style and runs to the elevator that takes us to the lower level. I get up and go over to Slime and see him waving goodbye to the children as they walk out and go see their parents, He sees me and smiles as he runs over to hug me. I giggle and hug him back "Hey love! I missed you all day! How was your shift for you today?" Slime asked as he walked to the elevator as we held hands walking down "Oh it was good, I zoned out thinking about something though at the end and Banbaleena had to snap me out of it" I say as Slime laughs a bit "What were you thinking about dear?" "Well you actually!" I say as I smile and Slime looks away blushing as we wait in the room for the elevator to come back up since Banban and Banbaleena booked it for the first ones to be down. "Why were you thinking about me dear?" Slime asked as he looked in my eyes as he blushed still "Because why not! I thought about you with the children and you with your cute little face!" I said as Slime blushd and closed his eyes and looked away as I kissed him on the cheek. "Well..I thought about you too love, I thought about how cute and strong you are, Your so cute!" Slime said as he leaped into my arms and started kissing my face everyone making me blush and laugh and making Slime giggle as the elevator came back up. I held onto Slime and got onto the elevator as I pressed the button. Slime continued to kiss my face everywhere until he gave one last one on my lips and jumped down from my arms and held onto my hand once again as the elevator went down quickly than usual.

Slime POV

I blushed a dark red color considering what I did to Josh, I never really did that to him or anyone of the partners I've had in the past. Josh makes me feel special like how anyone's partner should. But he makes me want to fall asleep with him in his arms and give me little kisses on my head when I sleep, But if we were human, I would let him play with my hair if I did sleep.

Somehow very quickly we reached the bottom of the kindergarten as Josh picked up out of nowhere and ran as fast as he could and ran to where of all our rooms are. He got there and opened his door as he placed me on the bed and got in the bed himself and brought me close to him. "Aww what's this for love?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around him "I just wanna cuddle with you is all!" Josh said as he kissed me on the forehead making me giggle. I could hear Banban and Banbaleena laughing and giggling as it sounded like they were throwing pillows at each other. Josh must have heard this too since he laughed a bit "Heh..To this day they still act like children, Having pillow fights then crashing out on the floor and waking up and doing it all over again" Josh said as I laughed a bit. Josh still had his arms around me and I had my arms around him still, Josh was the first one to fall asleep and I took one of my hands and ran it around his face, It was soft and some parts had veins that stick out but who cares? He looks really beautiful the way he is! And I love him for it. I start to feel tired as I lean up and kiss him on his forehead before wrapping my arms around him once more "Good night my love.."

"Sleep tight my dear ♡"


Sorry if I made it too shot 😭 I was tired and sick today still-

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