I like you too (Stinnger Flynn x Banban) Fluff ‼️

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Notes : Another request from one of my lovely readers ^^

Mascot or Human? : Human
(Banban's description is still the same but Flynn has a light skin tone,ginger hair with brown eyes and a tiny ginger mustache under his nose lmao. And he wears a medium dark orange suit matching the pants,white shirt and brown pants. Kinda like Banban but his is red. Flynn is like 5,11. Fun fact I'm 5,11 too irl lol)

Warnings ⚠ : Meations of racism


3rd Person POV

Flynn and Banban were both in the coms sector, also known as the work area to all of the gang since the desks were there and the main area where they chill out and have their fun little talks and all that. Flynn and Banban were sitting in the office desks trying to look at paper work they had found somewhere in the break lounge. A co-worker must've hidden it there since neither of the gang members have seen or found it before while working there fully. There was dirt on all of them, and by dirt, I mean bad things about them from the other co-workers. Saying they either sucked at their jobs,saying/writing racist things about them and it was mostly Banban and Banbaleena since they were both brown (Yes I changed Banbaleena's looks or nationality to match Banban's) and both were siblings. "Why in the hell would they write these things about us?! We're not even black in the first place we're just brown!" Banban said in a frustrating tone "Hey hey calm down don't worry about these damn comments anyways, they're just jealous of both of yall because you guys are better than them. Even us" Flynn said as he got up and walked over to Banban putting a hand around his back "What..? No no we're a team Flynn, we're not better than you guys. Sure we were better than the other co-workers but not you guys! We all work together. None of us is better" Banban said as he looked up at Flynn. "Yeah but you guys are like the wonder twins. Even though you guys aren't twins fully you guys are like a duo" Flynn said "The wonder twins" Banban said as he laughed a bit "Hey! It's what reminds of you both okay!" Flynn said as his face grew red from embarrassment and Banban still laughing wiping a tear from is eye. "Your funny Flynn" Banban chuckled at the end as he smiled at him and Flynn blushed a bit. "Why's your face red?" Banban soon asked "Huh..? Oh! It's red! I didn't realize sorry and I don't know why" Flynn said as he turned around instantly and went to go find something. Banban chuckled again as he turned to face at the paper again with him and Banbaleena. Both of them didn't deserve comments like this, just because of their skin color doesn't mean they are "different" or "dangerous" to anyone. Sadly this was racism, something Banban and Banbaleena both grew up with when they were both children and thought they escaped it but it appears not. Thankfully Banbaleena didn't read any of the papers containing this awful stuff or else she would've been watering her eyes out for weeks. But Banban could handle it, he didn't care what people thought of them but he did want to read what they thought about them. But Banban had one friend he could trust, sure he had the whole gang he could trust but this one was important to him, just like Banbaleena was important to him to. And this was Flynn, Flynn was his closest friend and his best friend, they've been through everything together and known each other ever since they were kids. Banban had only seen Flynn as a friend but Flynn seen him much more than that. They both trusted each other than anyone but of course Flynn didn't want to ruin anything between them, but Banban wouldn't judge anything for anything nor change friendships just because they had a crush on him.

Flynn POV

I was washing my face off in the bathroom trying to get the redness off by cooling my face down but nothing worked! His face,his smile his voice was just too damn cute. Everything about him was cute, hell even the whole gang could agree that Banbaleena was cute, except me and Banban in a nice way since Banban is her brother and I'm just a friend. But Banban was much different, maybe because he's a boy, or either that I've known him for a long time. Either way he still brings joy to my heart, and I wanted to tell him how much I loved him but it would ruin things between us anyways. I'm scared of heartbreak but I shouldn't be. Just then I heard a knock at the bathroom door beside me 2 steps away on the left "Flynn! You okay in there?" Banban asked knocking again as my face wasn't red and dried it off with a clean towel "Yeah I'm good, coming out now!" I said as I walked to the door. Perhaps maybe I should just tell him how much I like him, maybe it will clear my head from all this and stop bringing me stress. I opened the door and Banban was beside me on the right waiting for me "Hey! What took you so long?" Banban asked as we began walking back together "Oh uh nothing, just had to wash my face off is all" I said nervously "Why? You get something on your face" Banban asked "Yeah it was some dust" I said lying "Oh alright" Banban said as we stopped talking for a momment. This was the time I had to tell him, we were both alone, I mean we have been since we were in the office area but this makes it a lot more easier.

"Hey Banban?" I asked "Hm?" He said softly "Uh weird question, but uh are you interested in anyone here..?" I asked nervously "Interested? Well that's a strange question. Why do you wanna know?" Banban asked as he stopped and leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets. "It's just random that came into my head" I said "Well..if you must know. It's the one who's standing right infront of me" Banban said as my heart stopped for a momment. My head darted around looking around seeing if there was anyone else he was talking about and this made him chuckle a bit. "It's you silly Flynn" Banban said as he got up from the wall and grabbed my hand softly "You..you like me back..?" I asked as my face grew red again "Yup" Banban said as he let go of my hand and hugged me softly as I hugged back. I could see for a second that Banban's face was a bit red but I didn't mind. Red suited him anyways..


Sorry if this seems kinds rushed and lame, lmk if you want me to redo it if this didn't match your request or you didn't like it! I'm happy to redo these oneshots anytime! ♡

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