Snow (Banban x Sick!Nabnab) Fluff ‼️

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Notes : Again Nabnab and Banban are brothers in this oneshot, feels kinda wrong to ship them now that my head is stuck on them being siblings lol. But this was a request :)

Mascot or Human ? : Human (Nabnab's form is like Banban's, but Nabnab is the little brother and he's only like 12 and Banban is 20)

Warnings ⚠ : None :)


3rd Person POV

It was a snowy day at the kindergarten, Banban and the rest of the gang were cleaning up after the busy day and Banban's little brother Nabnab decided to come along. Of course Nabnab being the little kid he was wanted to go play in the snow, he had his jacket,hat,gloves and heck even his snow pants just in case. But Banban told him no even if he had the right gear to go out in the cold. Banban of course didn't have the gear since when he had gotten there it wasn't snowing. "But why?!?!" Nabnab cried out for a momment "Because! I'm not letting you get sick out there alright! I have enough to deal with" Banban said with a stressful tone. Of course Nabnab pouted as he walked off and sat in one of the chairs in the lobby as Banban rolled his eyes and walked back to the waiting counter. But Nabnab was only playing, when Banban walked into the next room Nabnab jumped down from the chairs quietly and sneaked off to the door and opening it quickly with having a small blast of wind blowing in his face as he ran out. He ran twords the play area by having the swings, monkey bars, and a sandbox that was covered up by a tarp later on that day. Nabnab didn't bother the equipment, instead he spun around as the snow slowly fell down onto his face and everywhere in the town. He laughed and ran around as he made snow angles, built a tiny snowman and jumped into a pile of huge snow. Nabnab soon got tired and decided to pass out on the huge pile of snow. But it got colder and colder for him, he then whimpered in pain from the cold then curled himself up into a ball as best as he could and slept for a momment.

Banban POV

"Did you guys get everything put away?" I called out as I poked my head through the hall of the creativity area, everyone was there spraying things down with the chemicals to clean off the tables, chairs and walls from what happend today. "Uh yeah almost" Josh called out "Almost?! Cmon guys we need to be faster with this clean up if we wanna get out of here faster!" I yelled out in frustration "Shut up Banban it's not easy with only 3 of us with like 5 rooms!!" Banbaleena called out "Yeah! If your so impatient with us then why don't you get in here and help us!!" Opila called out as she laughed at the end "Can't! I'm watching my brother remember?" I said "Fine I see how it is, not even bothering to help your boyfriend OR your friends" Josh said as my face grew red "S-shut up J-josh" I stuttered out from embarrassment as I heard Josh laughing a bit. I rolled my eyes as I walked back to the lobby and saw that the door was open! I obviously knew it was Nabnab and instantly ran outside. "NABNAB WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yelled covering my face with my arm blocking the snow from my eyes as I looked around everywhere. Then I spotted his little self curled up like a ball on a pile of snow. "NABNAB WHAT THE HELL!!" I yelled out again as I ran over to him and picked him up instantly. He was freezing as ice, his tears were frozen a bit and his nose was really red. I ran inside and slammed the door shut and put Nabnab on the lobby couch immediately. "GUYS OPEN UP THE ELEVATOR DOWN THERE I NEED TO GET TO MY ROOM" I yelled out as Banbaleena was the first to hear me and act out as she ran straight to the orange door and activated the elevator. I was shocked and picked up Nabnab and ran straight for the door.


I held Nabnab close to me not making sure he was squished or anything, he was still shivering even though he was asleep, I lit a fire in the middle of my room since there was a fire place and it was able to work. Then I felt him wake up "Nabnab! Your okay" I said as a tiny teat fell from my face, Nabnab looked up at me as he hugged me again "It was so cold.." He whisper shouted as I hugged him back "What did I tell you?! I told you not to go out there, now your going to get sick" I said as Nabnab looked up at me "I'm not sick though! See I'm f-ACHOO" Nabnab said before sneezing into his arm, he knew what to do thankfully by covering his mouth. "You were saying?" I said as Nabnab sighed and sat up "I'll get you some meds okay" I said as I patted his head and got up going to the medicine cabinet in the kitchen.

Nabnab POV

I still sat there silently as my brother left to get me medicine, I didn't know it was going to be that cold. I thought with the clothes I had I thought I'd be invincible, just like the superheros I see in my comic books! But I guess I'm not super nor a hero. But my brother is a hero, that makes him my superhero, the one who always saves me from danger and would do absolutely anything to keep me away from danger or do anything for me in general. Then my brother came back with a spoonful of this purple liquid stuff. "Here, drink this then you'll feel better" Banban said as he put the spoon to my mouth for a moment. The liquid smelt strong, too strong for me "No! That stuff smells gross I might die!" I said as I turned my head away and closed my eyes "Your not gonna die unless if you take this! You'll be fine I promise" Banban said as he grabbed my face softly. I gulped in fear and as soon as I knew it it was over. It tasted disgusting!! "Eww what the heck was that stuff?! So gross" I said as I gagged a bit "Oh don't be a baby it was just medicine. Your too old to take the little little kid ones that actually tasted better" Banban said as he walked back to the kitchen. I laided down again and passed out.

3rd Person POV

Banban came back to his room and saw Nabnab fast asleep on the right side of his bed. Banban chuckled a bit as he got on the bed slowly and pulled Nabnab closer to him and put a arm around him. He wasn't going to leave his brother alone until he got better, he would do anything for him. Then as Banban's eyelids grew tight, he soon then fell asleep as he held Nabnab in his right arm with the fire giving warmth to them both from the cold winter night..


As always, let me know if this was bad or you didn't like it, I always can redo this :)
Onto the next request!

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