Sick.. (Banban x Jumbo Josh) Fluff ‼️

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Notes : Hey guys!! I'm finally done with my testing in school :) I was done on Thursday since I don't get school on friday but I was mostly chilling w my friends and all that, now I'm back to do doing what I do best ♡ I'm so happy that you all love this series so much and I'm glad that it had gotten popular ♡

Mascot or Human ? : Mascot

Warnings ⚠ : None!


Banban POV

I was sitting in my room in the assembly room coughing up the givanium blood and just randoms stuff that came out of my mouth, I'm made out of clay for christ's sake! How does a clay monster thing like me get sick?! I mean..I am mixed with a doctors maybe it was most likely to go over to me into this body..but who knows, and besides it's too late now to figure out how anyways..all the scientists,kids and "real" teachers gotten killed by the others, it was a shame to see the kids get killed and eaten but..what is done is done. Besides we were all tired of being used for their little enjoyment and experiments! We were finally free from all the pain we all had to go through, all except that damn human..that one who is trying to look for their kid..but their long gone..the child either fell down in the abyss and died, got eaten by one of us, or is just somewhere around the place. Jumbo Josh though was the only one who is caring for me at the moment when I'm sick..he thinks it's odd too that a monster like me is sick, but he still cares for me as any friend should. But he seems more than friend material to me..I have a small crush on him and he doesn't see it yet, I don't know if I should hold it in or let it go, or just tell him in the end how I really feel. Banbaleena and I were a couple long ago that made the scientists and children happy but we spilt, we're still friends to this day but we spilt because it just wasn't working anymore. Besides, Stringer Flynn was going on and on to everyone except me that he was mad in love with Banbaleena when we were both together and honestly..I didn't care, Leena could deal with it on her own, but I do kinda miss having her around sometimes, she's always with Flynn and that's okay, but she's like my best friend now..and she just left like everyone else did to me while I was-

"Banban! Are you doing better?!" Jumbo Josh shouted a bit outside my door "Uhm-Yes..I'm doing fine!!" I stuttered out getting out of my thoughts "Well..I don't know for a fact if you can eat like the rest of us and the others found some soup in the kitchen cafeteria and we made it for you to make you feel better!" Josh said as he opened my door and push in a bowl of tomato soup, it looked nice and fresh! You could smell the soup and see the steam rising above it from how hot and warm it seemed! I blushed as I got out my bed and walked over to the door to pick up the soup, I looked at Josh as he was glancing at me from the door, his vainy face, his black and white clay eyes and his huge mouth full of teeth were amazing..he was just pretty to look at. " okay? You got a fever again..?" Josh asked as I continued to stare at him and not a say a word, Josh soon brought his huge hand in the room and put it on my forehead to see if I was or not. There was no fever to be seen, not like you were able to see it but there was no extra warmth coming from me or Josh's hand. "Strange..Banban can you ever hear me? You're face is more red than usual and I'm worried you're getting even more worse" Josh said as he brought his hand back out of the room "Oh..sorry bout that..I was just looking at you're amazing details on you're face's just" "Oh? My veins..amazing? Not to me they aren't" "But they are to me! They make you more intimidating and..hOt!!"

Jumbo Josh POV

"...What..?!" I said as Banban was laughing and giggling at the end, He was spinning around until he fell over but not in a bad way, his face was extremely red and he looked super dizzy "Banban cmon stand up for me please! I can't go fully in there and I can't do much with my hand!" I said as Banban was giggling quietly still and curled himself into a ball and closed his eyes "Hey-! You need to be in your bed to sleep Ban! Cmon wake up!!" I said as Banban fully fell asleep, I sighed from frustration as I reached my hand into the room once more and pushed the bowl of soup twords the left side of the bottom of his bed, then I was able to push Banban out to me from the room making me pick him up. He was so light and small to me while holding him..and he did look cute while sleeping..of course him being sick it wasn't good, the scientists and doctors knew how to fix or cure him but they weren't around anymore, they all were killed by us. Then I was wiped out of my thoughts when I felt Banbans hand touch my face, he was still dizzy and tired as he did "Jumbo..Josh..! H-hey..! Has anymore ever t-told you how c-cute you are-e..?" Banban asked stuttering out "Oh can't even talk right now! What the hell am I supposed to do-?!" "'s okay..I'm fine..this is just a side affect..nothing too dangerous..I just need rest.." Banban said in a normal voice now as he put a hand over my mouth a bit trying to shut me up "..You sure..?!" I asked "Mhm..I'll be fine Josh..I promise" Banban spoke again as he lowered his hand down and touched my right one that was holding his head up "Say..I've been wanting to tell you this but I kinda got a small crush on you..! This probably isn't the best time right now but who cares..?!..night night!" Banban said again in his silly voice at the end before crashing out for good. I sighed and blushed as I picked him up more firmly a bit making sure not to drop him on the hard floor "That's..amazing..out of all the people have a crush on me..?" I asked myself as Banban still slept there in my hands. "Cmon..let's get you to a proper bed and let you get your rest" I said as I opened my door to my room and went inside still holding Banban in my hand.

"The sick devil.."


I notice that a lot of ppl in the GOBB fandom ship Jumbo Josh with Banban more than Banbaleena and Banban lol. Anyways, see you guys later :)

Garten of BanBan oneshots !! (Mostly Banban-)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora