Protect the student..! (Banbaleena x Reader) Platonic❗

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Notes 🖇 : Most of these chapter I've been doing have been a non binary reader lol, and I do apologize if some of the oneshots I do are female, I feel like writing female oneshots or stories are much more easier (Coming from a girl aka) but I'll try my best to post some male oneshots too. Anyways this oneshot takes off in chapter 2 in Banbaleena's class but Banban breaks in and trys to get you >:)

Mascot or Human ? : Mascot

Warnings ⚠️ : More evil Banban bc yes



I stepped inside the room and clicked on the key card area shutting the door making sure the Opila Bird wouldn't get me. Then the lights turned on in a flash making me jump and seeing the mascot herself, the spinning image of Banbn herself..Banbaleena. I had seen her mural in the upper part of the kindergarten "Kindness is free, so sprinkle it everywhere!". I don't even know if she is just a basic copy of Banban since they both look the same but just different colors,face expressions,accessories and plans for me or what. "Everyone, I want you all to welcome our newest student..You're late to class...I'll let it slide this time BUT be late again and I rip you to pieces" Banbaleena said as she stared at me as I walked in the room with fear, I sat in the middle being awkward sitting with watering tins while Banbaleena was just staring at me, It honestly made me feel uncomfortable as it would to anyone. "Hold on...your the one I'm supposed to be on the watch for.." Banbaleena said in a dark tone at the end as she walked over to me making me shiver and jump up out of the chair and back into a corner while she stopped coming for me "W-wait..! I won't try to run away or hurt you..! I-I promise just don't kill m-me!" I stuttered out in fear as she stared at me "You hurting me..? Please it should be the other way around my dear!" Banbaleena said laughing a bit "But I won't..Banban is here to get you back any minute. But I won't let him..if your in my class then your staying here with me.." Banbaleena said as she clapped her "hands" together in joy as I gulped in fear as she walked back to where she was before "Now get over here and sit before I do rip you into peices or let Banban have his way and take you" "Wait! Why does Banban wanna take me exactly..? I know he knocked me out and did whatever to me but why does he want me back..?" I asked as Banbaleena sighed and looked at me even more "To do...bad things to you..torture wise for his experiments.." Banbaleena said in a sad way looking away "Did he tell you..?" "Yeah..he told me so that I could trick you and let you come in here" "Then why are you protecting me if your just used for a stepping stone for Banban just to get to me..?!" "BECAUSE I DON'T WANT HIM TO HURT ME OR THE REST OF US AGAIN!!" Banbaleena shouted as she started forming pink stuff out of her eyes, it was most likely tears since she covered her face and bent down to the floor, me being the "kind soul" I am, I ran to Banbaleena to try to comfort her. She started sobbing over and over again, she had this pink makeup or maybe her tears falling down all across her face "W-why..does he hurt you all..?" I asked as she kept nodding her head and whimpering "B-because w-we aren't d-doing our j-jobs.." Banbaleena stuttered out in sadness as I nodded my head as she cried even more. I didn't know much on how to help her, I didn't want to say something wrong to make her even more sad or angry. Obviously I didn't want her ripping me into peices. Then as I jumped out of my thoughts there was a knock out of the door I came in a few minutes ago, Banbaleena jumped as she stood up and grabbed me throwing me into the chair a bit as I fixed myself up as Banbaleena turned away and wiped her tears off as she looked normal again as she walked to the door and opened it "Ah yes hello Banban sir" Banbaleena said in a cheerful tone as Banban nodded his head and pushed beside her walking into the class and seeing me "I-I have them here sir..just like how you wanted" Banbaleena said as she stood beside Banban as he nodded. So she was lying to me!? This was all fake and just a setup! " lied to me!" I shouted and pointed at Banbaleena as she jumped and started to cross her arms and look away with one single pink tear run down her face, Banban must've noticed this as he cupped her "face" in his claw looking hand "Aw don't cry now Leena, you did your job just like I asked you..." Banban said in a evil tone as he looked at me with his darkened eyes and his mouth looking even more creepier with that tounge "Just..just don't hurt me or anyone else again.." Banbaleena stuttered out "Oh don't worry about that my dear. I do love and care for you don't I..?" Banban said as his grip on her face got tigther making her yelp out in pain as she started crying again "What did just say? You didn't need to cry" Banban said as he threw Banbaleena in the corner as he walked to me "You are no longer in need of my plan that I got what I needed your no use to me anymore" Banban said as he got closer to me and stared down at me. Banbaleena was staring at me with a look saying "get the fuck out of here" but I was too frozen in fear to move..if he hurts the rest of them...imagine what he could do to me..

Banbaleena POV

I was staring at Y/N as Banban was looking straight at them, I could tell they were scared and believe me I would be too if I was that close to him..that monster..that devil..I should have never trusted him..

"You know Y/N..I've been looking for an experiment just like scars or missing limbs. Just to mix a few liquids together in the machine and boom! Put a new human or a test subject in that machine and test on them. Or..just like the poster says..I could just take your pancreas and eat it for all I want.." Banban said in a evil tone making Y/N grip the top of the chair. He was gonna do something to them..I know it. The only thing that was close to me was a peice of broken glass shard, no idea how it was there in the first place but I'm not complaining. I grabbed the shard in silence as I held it in my hand waiting for the momment to do something to Banban to make Y/N run, they would understand to run right..? "Your a monster!! You wouldn't fucking dare!!" Y/N screamed as Banban laughed evilly as he pulled out those blade things they use in surgeries "You really wanna bet...?" Banban said as grabbed Y/N from their neck choking them as Y/N was kicking Banban with all their might but of course it didn't work. I leaped up and snuck closely behind Banban waiting for the right momment to stab him "I COULD CUT YOU RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW YOU SON OF A B-" Banban screamed before getting cut off by me stabbing him.

3rd Person POV

Banbaleena had stabbed Banban in the back with the shard as green liquid came out of his back "I have to ask you not to finish that sentence in my class sir.." Banbaleena said in a dark tone making Banban gasp and drop Y/N on the floor. Banban stood there for 2 minutes in silence before he kicked Banbaleena in the stomach behind him making her drop the shard and making her drop herself to the ground. Banban soon picked up the shard and licked the green blood of the shard with his tounge before holding it in a way making it seem like he was going to stab Banbaleena "You really are a failure..." Banban said before he lunged at her with the shard making Banbaleena cover herself with her hands and stopping to see that Y/N hit him in the back of the head with a bowling pin, it didn't do much but it made him fall for a momment to make Banbaleena get up. "You okay?!" Y/N asked as they grabbed her hands as Banbaleena looked at them " we need to leave before he gets up.." Banbaleena said as she looked at Banban's body, he had his green GV blood spilling out everywhere from his back and from his head. Y/N grabbed a key card and opened the pink door from the corner as they both ran inside and closed it behind them. Banban did not bother to get up, he laied there lifeless even though he was not dead. He was tired and was in pain as he should be..

"Protect the student or protect yourself.."


The end looks lazy I was getting tired at the last end lol

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