Dancing with the Devil

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The Canadian Devil roars as a massive pillar of flames erupts around him and shoots off into the sky. We've been hitting him with everything we have for about an hour now and haven't been making much progress.

This is the first time the three of us are really working together against an opponent and it could be going a bit better at the moment. I wish we could have gone with someone a little easier to beat but I don't decide what comes when in this show. This guy is the only big physical threat present in season 18.

(("Hey, so, I can't sense power levels, but I can feel *that*. Does that mean anything?"))

"We're fucked." Mini Batman may have a point there. If I couldn't sense Satanic energy before, I definitely can now and I'm this close to shitting myself.

"There is no greater sin than defying the devil, friend." The devil informs us as the ground below us begins to crack open and dozens of what I'm assuming are dire vultures fly out. They are like regular vultures but 5 times larger and have much bigger beaks and claws then regular vultures. They also have that particular Canadian look this reality has.

Kenny fires soul slashes and rainbow beams at them while I try my best to defend us with dire shroud. They scratch and peck which rapidly cracks the netherborn barrier but then look around confused before flying back towards the others and starting to tear away at them. What?

(("Good job holding them off. I'll take it from here, focus on the devil in the meantime.")) That's right, Timmy can brainwash people!

"Hey, what are you doing, buddehs? Attack them, not-" I don't give him the chance to finish and use nagasaki to blast him away. I follow up with cup-a-spell but he blocks it with his trident and throws some Pentakill spells back at me.

I can recognize a lot of these satanic attacks thanks to both Henrietta and the Woodland Critters in The Fractured but Whole but knowing some of his attacks can only get me so far.

I block the fireballs with soul slash and notice how some rubble is beginning to float up and around him. Bone hands sprout from this debris and some fire dark whispers to keep him in place while others blast soul slash attacks at him.

(("That was Kenny's idea. You can only summon bone hands on solid objects and this is an aerial battle which makes that difficult but I can alter the arena as I wish. Focus on direct attacks while Kenny provides support.")) Got it, go team go!

I send multiple dragon shouts his way to help boost the flames and we're piling on damage but even then, the devil doesn't look too concerned. Just how tough is this guy?

"Not bad, buddeh, but as a mortal, you can only do so much, friend." The blue fire engulfing him slowly turns red and erupts around him as meteors start to rain from the sky, completely destroying the rubble Timmy was holding up for Kenny's bony summons.

The telepath barely holds back the wall of hellfire attack himself and I rush down to help destroy the meteors but dozens of purple chains erupt from the flames around the devil and block me before swinging around, trying to bind me.

'Power bind! Shit!' While I don't know to what extent my energy or Grim Fate will be cut off If I get wrapped up in them, I definitely don't want to find out. I use a regular soul slash boosted by grim fate to cut the chains while Kenny hurls toward the Canadian. The devil summons more meteors but Kenny knocks them back while summoning bone hands on them to grapple the demon and send him back a bit while restraining him.

It doesn't take long for him to break out but Timmy sends the debris right back on him along with the meteors he collected from the first wave of meteors, engulfing the devil.

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