Old Game, New Goal

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I leave the giant crater that was once a mountain range several hours later. I'm fucking exhausted both physically and mentally from letting everything out like that, but I do start to feel better (emotionally) already.

I luckily have just enough energy left to fly back to South Park and I head over to Wendy's house as soon as I get back to the not-so quiet, little mountain town. I make sure to text her beforehand as me just heading over and knocking on her window or something in the middle of the night would be super fucking creepy.


FDB (FutureDragonBorn): hey heading back now. Thanks for the tip btw. helped a ton

CallGirl: Just how powerful are you Dovah? Bebe and I thought you were kidding about the earthquakes but South Park got hit with a 6.5 Magnitude one a bit after you left!

FDB: sorry about that. guess I didn't fly far enough away. mind if I come over to your place again?

CallGirl: Sure I'll leave my window open. sys

'Jeez, I hope the damage to the town wasn't too bad. Well, with how fast this town can rebuild itself, it should be fine. But then again...'

Flashback - Several Hours Ago...

"Of all the STUPID!"








[Insert Power-up Yell]



'I guess I should just go into orbit the next time I go apeshit. That should help avoid any collateral damage.'

I meet up with Wendy again and give her a brief rundown of what's supposed to happen in the next few days (TFBW Days 2-4). I could probably come up with a plan myself, but two heads are better then one and Wendy isn't biased towards either superhero team so she can give some good insight on the effects different changes could have.

My goals this time around are far different as well as I'm trying to boost the New Kid's confidence and self esteem so he can live in South Park without becoming another Butters or Scott to the other kids.

It takes around an hour or two but we come up with a decent enough game plan along with a few contingencies for this newest game we're playing. As a thank you for helping me, I decided to turn Wendy into a Netherborn.

Looking back, Kenny, Timmy, and I really should have powered up our allies more. We were so focused on ourselves that we left our allies to their own devices most of the time, resulting in them becoming far weaker then they would've been if they had our full support. Of course, we couldn't reveal too much to them, but giving them some more power with few, if any, negative consequences coming from it wouldn't have hurt.

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