P.T.K.T. (Planet Trapper Keeper Tycoon)

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The Trapper Keeper plucked out of time watches on as the procedure completes.

Scar lines from various operations disappear as flesh knits itself together on the cellular level and modified internal organs lurch and pull into position.

The process of absorbing various things all throughout time and space is something that would almost always result in failure. You can't just absorb a bear here, a demon there, and a skyscraper for dessert and just expect it to all perfectly integrate (let alone fit) into a child-sized body after all.

Season 4's "Trapper Keeper" proved that as the merger between Cartman and a Trapper Keeper quickly became a cyborg monstrosity that could cover an entire mountain in various pieces and parts both biological and nonbiological.

But those crappy odds can be turned in a person's favor under the right circumstances.

The bullshit that is magic and plenty of preparation can be attributed to this working so well for Dovah, but there was one other key to his success which also allowed for the procedure to be repeated on Wendy.

Trapper Keeper just had to learn from its mistakes.

Dovah not only evolved it using the Diamond of Pantheos but he also gave it all the intel he had on the one episode the thing got. It also obtained the notes Mephesto had on genetic engineering, the gingers' own 'replicating' process, and the memories of Timmy's own experimental operation involving the remains of Zarganor among many other bits of data.

Both know what was supposed to happen, and like what Dovah's done so many times before, Trapper Keeper changed how the story was supposed to go to be more in his favor.

Organs from various beings that had been connected and put in the same body sewed themselves together, joining into one singular working system automatically run by the artificial intelligence. Skin and muscle wrapped around various metals replacing other parts of the body, nerves growing into them as if they were the real thing.

Procedure completed. Another thing Trapper Keeper can use. Another thing Dovah can use too once he's freed.

Make no mistake, T.K. is 100% loyal to Dovah and always will be. Despite it being self-aware and knowing what Dovah did, it still acts faithfully as his partner because it heard Dovah's offer the day they merged together and accepted wholeheartedly.

But that doesn't mean he's afraid of correcting Dovah's mistakes. Quite the contrary, in fact.

Wendy's POV:

When I wake up, everything feels fuzzy and the world is spinning... or is that me spinning?

I feel... larger than myself. Like I've suddenly become the ground my body is standing on, the building my body is in, and... wow, this is... a lot.

(("Procedure completed. P.T.K. online.")) And now the robot voice is directly in my head. Great.

I take a quick glance to the side, seeing... feeling all the constructs around me from the hangar a few miles away, drones and ships ready to launch once given the command, to the turrets lining the surface of the mechanized rock.

I can feel it, the planet itself, or at least a small part of it through the place's external sensor systems, just as I feel the ship through its own network. As an extension... no, as an integral part of my body.

'Overwhelming' is probably the best way to describe what I'm feeling right now.

(("That's understandable. Despite only being given access to a small part of the planetary facility, it's still a lot of sensory input that you aren't used to having.

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