Nahkriin War Part 2 - Takedown

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The 'Super Adventure Club'. It was featured in the first episode of season 10 and is an adventuring organization who's members explore the world and fucking molest children from all over it with the goal of becoming immortal by doing that. Their logic behind that isn't even worth mentioning as it's total bullshit.

A fan favorite character who once served as a mentor to the boys, Chef, was brainwashed into joining this club and Team Stan spent the episode trying to snap him out of it.

They ultimately failed to bring him back to South Park for good (though they did get him back to his senses for a little while with some help from Spontaneous Bootay) and Chef was almost killed before being put into a bootleg Darth Vader suit and embraced the club's ethics or lack-there-of.

This club is also Nahkriin's next target.

The organization's current leader/head adventurer, William P. Connelly, is enjoying a cup of tea with several other members as they recount their recent trip into the jungles of Peru when he gets a few texts that ruin his day.

S.A.C. Travel Log:


Henry: RIGHT NOW!!!

Edward: Oh bollocks!

(Head) William: Are you sure, ol' chap? Why they should be halfway across the globe right now considering the last location of ours they attacked.


Henry: RUN!!!

The upper layer of their headquarters then explodes with thousands of guerrilla warriors and Chaos Minions storming in from all over the place seconds later.

Karen's POV:

"-We believe this to be the 12th hideout of the 'Super Adventure Club' Nahkriin has attacked in the last 2 days and the radical group's members only seem to be growing as does support with the cause of this no doubt being the online influencer, Dovahkiin, who-"

"Fucking hell, he's not stopping until every antagonist that was featured on our show is dead, is he?" Tricia comments as we watch the news.

"Not every antagonist. Dovah is working with Cartman, the one guy who's as big of, if not a greater schemer then Timmy and also has way fewer morals then Timmy."

"You think Cartman is manipulating him? Or is Dovah manipulating Cartman?"

"I don't think it's either. Both are absolutely furious to put it lightly. They put aside their differences for the ads 3 years ago, but this is different. Both have lost people extremely important to them and are extremely pissed off because of it. They won't stop until there's nothing left to destroy which will definitely be the case if we don't do something.

Cartman has experience leading radical movements. He's done it several times before. Dovah can use his social media powers to gain the support of billions so numbers won't be much of an issue either. In fact, their army will only continue growing as time passes if this keeps up.

It's like when Cartman tried taking over the United States as a confederate general (Season 3's "The Red Badge of Gayness") or tried to restart the Nazi regime using a warped version of Mel Gibson's message in that religious movie he made (Season 8's "The Passion of the Jew")."

"So we have Cartman as the commander, Dovah as the very definition of an unstoppable force, and a growing army of random ass people who are somehow getting both the supplies and training needed to fight a war."

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