The Yaoi Girls Have Spoken

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Stan and Craig are currently tearing each other apart with half the school watching and cheering them on. As for what brought about this major plot change, we have to flash back a bit.

"Alright everyone listen up. Today we're going to be showing you some art from our Asian-American students..." Yep, we're at the yaoi episode. The episode where people were either enlightened, traumatized, confused, disgusted, or squealing in joy.

Craig and Tweek fall into the custom made 'pissed the hell off' category as gay porn of them is broadcasted for all the elementary schoolers to see.

Now while I don't really have any issues with Wendy as a character in the show or Wendy as a person here, you have to admit it was kind of a dick move on her part to not get Craig and Tweek's permission before literally showing a presentation of them starring in gay, anime style pornography to the entire school.

"Well but then why would Asian girls draw them like that?" As I'm walking out of the gymnasium, I see the same crowd as in canon gathered around, questioning what the hell they just saw.

"Yeah, what is this yaoi thing all about? I am so c-c-confused."

"And if it can happen to Tweek and Craig, could it happen to any of us?" I can't help but break down laughing at their naivety and their heads all turn towards me.

"Oh, you have no idea, Stanley. Just pray that 'Style' never becomes a thing here. You too, Kyle." I walk away leaving a group of very confused kids behind except Kenny who snickers a bit, knowing very well what the South Park Fandom in my previous world is like.

Now being friends with Tweek and Craig myself, I know now more than ever that they are NOT thrilled about being forced to become a couple here and were just fine being best friends. The show made that very clear so I decided to throw them a bone in the form of a little revenge plan I came up with.

I had Timmy pass my plan on to Craig via telepathy before he made things worse for himself and he got Tweek on board in a flash.

This is gonna be good.

Cut to a few days later and the entire school is back in the gym for another presentation. Only difference is, this one is being done by Craig and Tweek themselves.

"Ok everyone listen up, today we are going to be showing you another type of art our Asian-American students indulge in. Presenting this artwork is Tweek and Craig."

"Thank you." Craig begins while struggling to hide a smirk. Yeah, Craig Tucker is struggling to hide a smirk. "Now as you may or may not know, yaoi is not the only kind of art our new Asian students enjoy creating. They also practice the art style known as yuri. Yuri, much like yaoi, is a blend of emotion and beauty with the main difference being that yuri depicts two or more females whose love is looked down upon as shown in Heather Nishimura's piece: Wendy and Bebe, Rose and its Thorns.

"Awwwwwwwwww." As most of the school coos, Wendy's eyes are as big as pie plates while Bebe looks to still be processing what the fuck she's looking at after a solid 30 seconds. Stan looks even more confused than her and I'm doing my best to not completely break down laughing. Cartman is the same as me except he doesn't bother holding it in. It's like when that midget showed up at South Park in season 11's "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson." He fucking loses it.

The 'Bendy' presentation carries on with Tweek and Craig rotating turns speaking. Craig stopped bothering to hide his grin after the third 'piece' and Tweek stopped stuttering almost immediately while doing his parts which I didn't think was even possible. Both make sure to keep their eyes locked on a now fuming Wendy the whole time and god is this funny to watch.

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